Every so often someone on my friends list gets upset, or one of the communities gets upset with a person who posts in that community. It's happened like 8 or 9 times since I've started, and every time I look at the posts that lead up to the unhappiness, and try to figure out what happened. And then I feel scared and stupid, because I can't recognise anything offensive that set off the anger.
Most of the time I'm so normal, but occasionally it hits me in the face that I just am not and the world is a dangerous place. I can't understand people as well as I'd like to. I try to make rules to guide myself so I don't repeat anyone elses mistakes, but it's so hard when I can't understand what the person did wrong. How can I not fall into the same trap, if I can't see the trap they fell into?
I'm mildy autistic. Ok, I said it. I admit it. I have mild Aspergers Autism. It's high functioning and I've had 30 years worth of active compensation to minimalize it. But it's still there.
F-list, if I ever offend you, please tell me, and I will try to make up for it. I'm good at appologising. I have lots of practice.
I don't try to be offensive, but sometimes I just don't can't see how what I say and do effects others. There are so many social rules out there, and I honestly try my best, but sometimes I just don't get it. I can't see where the line is between appropriate and inappropriate, fun and hurtful, friendly and annoying.
The upside is that I'm rarely offended, because I'm just as blind when it comes to people being rude to me, as I am of being rude to other people.
EDIT: LOL, sorry guys. Every so often the world goes sideways on me and I get completely paranoid. When that happens my first reaction is to appologize for my existance randomly to complete strangers. I gots quirks and you were treated to one of them last night. I'm much more together this morning. I don't think I've pissed anyone off... yet. Hopefully I won't, or you all like my writing enough that when I do, you'll forgive me.