So, this is the final showdown. We are down to the two major suitors. Who will win, Chauncey or Jeffrey? You'll find out next chapter.
Womo: Chauncey didn't mean for George to run off. He's not that devious. Perhaps he should have expected it, but a vampire's gotta sleep some time. As for the whammying George, from Chuck's point of view he was just getting things done and people out and away in the most efficient way. He was pretty worn out and distracted by his own concerns. He was impatient. This doesn't really excuse his behavior, he was still being a dick. All my vampires are dicks in that sometimes they just don't consider what it's like to be on the receiving end of the whammy. After all it gets results.
I think it would be awesomely embarrassing if my dad chatspoke. But George's dad is a bit like George in that he tends to rebel against what people say he shouldn't do. When you are tiny, you gotta have a strong personality to compensate or people will walk all over you.
Dinga: Thank you so much! I was reallly writing the vampire story that I wanted to read. I love vampires, but I really not into sulky, broody, love sick teenagers which seems to be what vampire stories have turned into. Dracula was suave and sophisticated and dangerous. Edward Cullen is toothless and immature. I'm actually thinking of publishing... but man, I have no idea how to do it.
xfireworkzstarx: Thank you! Oh look, I updated now! And just for you, I left it on another cliffhanger. I'll put you on team Jeffrey for this fight.
Nettie: They didn't get away for long. The running was getting old anyway. It's time for a stand to be made. I'll put you on Chuck's side for this battle.
Avernion Unfortunately, George really wasn't planning anything at that point. He has kind of run out of ideas -- but don't worry he'll get some next chapter. Compromises will have to be made.
Rosei: Yes! George was being noble! Chuck may not be leading humanity towards the great counter coup he promised, but he is the law when it comes to Vampires, albeit vigilante law. Well, no matter who George ends up with, he'll be having smexy time with a ton of people. Though it's massively presumptuous of me, I really hate shipping wars, so I set this whole thing up so that nearly every paring you can think up is outright canon, nearly so, or plausible under the right circumstances if you squint. And as for the unreasonable ones, like say, Nadette x Jeffrey, oh hell, why not.
Azalea J. The running away has gotten old, but it didn't last. George had good reason to go, he doesn't think Chuck should abandon what he's doing since it genuinely helps people. Plus, I needed him in free play for the climax.
Kitty: George keeps slipping those claims on him. Well, to George's credit, he can't stop Chuck from quitting, but he can take himself out of the equation. Or so he thought.
Midnightsscream: Where are they going? Not very far. LOL.
L. S.: Aww not a fan of Chuck? Well, I'll put you on Jeffrey's team for the upcoming fight.
oo: Chuck's got a good ole boy name. Nothing could be more apple pie than a guy named Chuck, right? Or do you mean Chauncey? It's pronounced Chaahn-see. It's a bit stuffy, but it comes from a different era. On a side note, it's not his original name either, that's just the way he anglicized his name when he migrated to America a couple centuries back. His original name was Chanakya, in reference to a famous ancient scholar.
Perona: George is fishing around for a solution to his problem. So far nothing has worked. But last time is the charm.