TITLE: Undesirable (A vampire novel)
RATING: NC-17 (This chapter R)
GENRE: Porn with plot -- heavy on the plot. Action/adventure, some black humor, some romance.
PAIRINGS: George x everyone. Mostly Slash, some het, three and moresomes. Vampire sex.
WARNINGS: (this chapter) violence.
Chapter 12 )
*calms heart*
And Lord Jeffery - despite his act, despite his pomposity, his arrogance, there's something pretty sympathetic about him, mostly in the tiny glimpses that appears to be sponatenous or when he's surprised. And how he took care of Wally.
God, I'm so sorry for him. I hope there was NOT a mental link between them, because... because...
For his sake I hope that the Lady Darlene is safe. T_T
I'm trying to make Jeffrey into a fun bad-guy. It sounds like I'm succeeding. :D
There was no link between Wally and Darlene. She was waaaay too busy to bother with him at that point. And Jeffrey would have shielded him anyway. Jeffrey may be totally insincere and manipulative, but he's got his limits. I think being in a strange vampires house while she and her friends rips your patron to pieces in front of you is traumatic enough.
He IS... I know I've managed to make some bad-guys like that. Fun and you just can NOT hate him, can't help LIKING him. Except you really hope you won't ever meet such a person in real life, because DAMN is he manipulative.
Poor Wally. Poor George. I hope Wally forgives him. :(
(Also, when Nadette asked for Jeffery's forgiveness, the first thing I thought of was D&S's sort of sub. Not merely vassal status. But that's because I have a dirty, dirty mind.)
Oh yeah, no, Jeffrey would be a terrible person to meet IRL. A normal person would be toast in his hands.
I have met an engaging, charismatic, manipulative and fun sociopath IRL before. Thank goodness, he had no interest whatsoever in me and he had no sadistic tendencies. One of those rare genuinely nice people who simply and pathologically can't tell right from wrong. He was utterly fascinating to watch, real popcorn material. He walked in the room and you just sat back for the show. Eventually his sociopathy caught up with him and he got tossed in jail for something he considered entirely reasonable but was unbelievably illegal. To this day, I don't think he has a clue what he did wrong or why he was prosecuted.
Yeeeeah. Jeffery.
Now you've made me curious! A genuinely nice person who's a sociopath?
Which does mean that he's logical? I suppose? Or he can't imagine other people having feelings/being real? Or he just can't percieve the law/rules as being applied to him/making logical sense? (which does make sense because a lot of laws are social constructs...)
*boggles vaguely at the idea* It reminds me of Judge Dredd - he's not even very POLITE or cares about what people thinks of him, because he is the LAW.
So he's just never wrong? no matter what he does? Like what if he went out in the cold and got frostbite? It's the fault of his clothing?
You know, that DOES sound very much like Jeffery. Only Jeffery's more... manipulative than this cop-guy.Are all vampires like that?
I wonder what a vampire with a conscience would look like. Though not necessarily one who has a conscience FOR humans - even a conscience with regards to other vampires/vampire society?
The vampires would say they have a conscience. They just also happen to know that they are entitled to own humans. Not just entitled -- they have a responsibility to own humans.
It's always interesting to explore alien mindsets. :D
So it's always interesting to see the Vampiric morality - they have different rules and so on - which is how in some novels I've read about were-wolf society, fighting to death in certain rituals is considered fine but killing outside of such ritualistic fights a big no no. Or something.
So will you be elaborating on why precisely they were so angry/justified on tearing her apart? Or will it be a minor plot point? Or just one aspect of vampiric mind-set/society that you will be revealing bit by bit ( ... )
Next chapter helps to clear up why there was a problem.
Ever thought of doing werewolves? *just a curious question* Because I know that if you DID, you'd probably turn it all the right ways to hit almost all of my non-con/dub-con kinks. Mrrr. >3
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