TITLE: Undesirable (A vampire novel)
RATING: NC-17 (This chapter NC-17)
GENRE: Porn with plot -- heavy on the plot. Action/adventure, some black humor, some romance.
PAIRINGS: George x everyone. Mostly Slash, some het, three and moresomes. Vampire sex.
WARNINGS: (this chapter) Some violence, non-con.
Chapter 9 )
I read this again and have concluded that, as much as I love her for detailing George's appeal, Nadette is evil. If she hangs out with those LA vamps, perhaps she is another one of those micro-managers. All those beautiful women around him, and not being able to even masturbate for a week? Thanks for revving up the story an evil notch! ;-) this orientation is looking more diabolical than Jeffrey's. Perhaps Jeffrey wasn't too bad, after all he did give George lots of pleasure. Wally's cryptic "Sorry" is such a loaded word - it's brilliant!
And we've not seen George this depressed before. That's some really good writing there. THANKS!!
You dare compare harem to slavery (a harem?)
hot prefect friction (perfect)
discipline can't combined with Service (can't be)
sleep with whoever (with whomever)
Thanks again for all your updates!
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