TITLE: Undesirable (A vampire novel)
RATING: NC-17 (This chapter NC-17)
GENRE: Porn with plot -- heavy on the plot. Action/adventure, some black humor, some romance.
PAIRINGS: George x everyone. Mostly Slash, some het, three and moresomes. Vampire sex.
WARNINGS: (this chapter) Non-con.
Chapter Five )
Comments 22
And I love it. XD Can't wait for more!
(is it complete, and you're posting as you edit, or are you writing this as you post?)
I'm currently writing chapter 10, but since I am going back and revising things as I go on, I'm leaving a 4 chapter padding -- which turns out I need. While writing chapter 9 I realized there was a small but key change that had to be made back in chapter 6, and a major one in chapter 8. By the time I'm done with 10, I don't see any reason while I'll have to mess with chapter 6 again, so I'll post it.
I haven't been this excited about unpublished fiction since my degree workshopping. I'm serious. Keep at it!
I thought I knew to watch for postings by you since your other fiction has been enjoyable. *shakes head at self*
It's not a sequel to anything. This is an original fic not a fanfic. My characters. My background, mine mine mine.
PETS was a much darker thing I wrote for the FMA fandom.
I'm glad about the narrators voice. I was trying to make him interesting, because I think this story only works if the protagonist is someone we can kind of like -- and yet also enjoy seeing be kicked around a bit.
The tone is a tough call for me. I could make this really really dark, ala PETS, but honestly, I don't think a lot of people want to read that kind of rapefic porn. It's a bit too... guro-esque. So this is very fantasy rapeish -- all the drama of rape without any of that nasty soul distroying realistic after effects. I'm going for a guilty pleasure rather than full on sadism.
I'm hoping that it works. It's a bit tough to justify rapefic, even though that's my main kink. It's so many other people's squick, and without fandom to garner me readers, I gotta be careful not to drive too many people away.
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