No... no I really don't need to start a new writing project...

Oct 27, 2007 09:10

Even though the bunny seems so sweet in my mind, and weirdly enough it's Het. Ty lee/Sokka actually. Which sounds really fluffy ... but of course, with me it isn't.

My bunny is basically that Azula knows the Avatar is around (which she does) and she realizes that leaving it in the hands of Zuko ... with his track record... well. Anyway she's realized that what she wants really isn't to kill the Avatar, after all that just puts the problem off into the future, when she is the Firelord. Wiping out the entire Water tribe is such a waste of resources. Far more ideal would be to capture the Avatar alive and keep him somewhere where he can't hurt anything. But even better than that would be to convert him to her side and have him fight in her name to consolidate the empire under her rule. If she could get Aang to fall in love with her and be utterly loyal to her, then there would be nothing to stop her. Bwahahahahaha. And look at that, there is a means at her disposal, captured along with Ba Sing Se -- a brainwashing expert.

So what does this have to do with Ty Lee or Sokka? Well, consider them to be a test.

Ty lee has a crush on Sokka. She knew he was smart and brave from following his exploits, she found him to be cute when she first saw him, and after spending some time spying on them, she's learned that he is also funny and compassionate. Her type. And damn it, why is it that the guys get to take women and make them wives as "spoils of war" and she can't. Unfair. Azula is so right in this. Ty Lee is so done with having 10 boyfriends none of whom are worthy of her. She wants just one, perfect, sparking one!

Besides he's so easy to get. He's not a bender, so you don't have to put him in a special cage. And honestly those guys aren't being exactly quiet in their romp across the Fire nation countryside. Tracking their movements is just a matter of tracking weird events. Fires put out in the middle of the night by no one, poluted rivers suddenly gone clean. Just a matter of waiting for him to be alone, and jab jab jab toss him in the back of a cart and off they go.

Strangely enough, while flattering, being a spoil of war doesn't sit well with Sokka, and he flat out denies he'll ever switch sides. Being bait though, makes perfect sense, and he has confidence that Team Avatar will come to the rescue any minute. As for dating Ty Lee... thanks but no thanks. He has Ty Lee pegged as cute but completely insaneby the end of the trip to... oh dear, those guys kinda look familier. Where has he seen them before?

It all works out marvolously -- for a while, but somehow all a bit like cheating, Ty Lee feels a bit guilty about the new "with the program" Sokka. He is everything she wants, but it just doesn't seem somehow right. Azula reassures her it's fine -- and as soon as Faithful Fire Nation Soldier Sokka helps lure in the Avatar for reajustment, Ty Lee is free to take him off to the land of wedded bliss.

Meanwhile Sokka is superficially happy but he can't quite make the details of his life jive, which bugs him and leads his conditioning to erode. Zuko likes having another dude around so he isn't the only guy but also feels there's something not quite trustworthy about the situation.

avatar, bunny, fic

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