May 16, 2006 23:00
I made a small change, but I feel a lot better about it. Basically I cut from my flist those people who didn't have me friended back. This was actually not THAT big a deal, since I had had been pruning that list down for a while. It really came down to three journals, one of which was someone who had switched names, one has, for all intents and purposes, left the fandom, and one hasn't updated in months. The way I figure it, I have a hard enough time keeping up with those who I'm on friendly terms with, why should I bother reading the foibles and day to day doings of those who I'm not. I'm sure if they write anything significant, they will post it up on one of the many fma communities I keep track of, and if I don't see a meme, no biggie.
Anyway, this has made me feel a lot better because now I can just say that I friend those who friend me back. My days of hero worship are over as far as the LJ FMA community is concerned. Pretty much everyone knows me by now and if they want to be my friend, they can hit that little plus button.