Maaaaaaaannnnn... I so need to get off my lazy ass and finish my Envy/Ed/Wrath! Dammit, I wanted to be the first person to write such an atrocity, but I'm stuck at the third-way mark because I can't write Wrath. *is jealous*
XP You suck, man. At least I thought to try and write it on my own, though. That level of weirdness should count for something. However, I am gratified to see that you had the exactl same problem I did with Wrath: How do you keep him in character? I was having some issues trying to get him interested in Ed, and my Envy just was lacking the ability to threaten/abuse him into cooperation.
You might have just kicked my butt into gear!
Oh, god, I can't believe I'm gloating over this monstrosity! Bad me!
However, I am gratified to see that you had the exactl same problem I did with Wrath: How do you keep him in character? I was having some issues trying to get him interested in Ed, and my Envy just was lacking the ability to threaten/abuse him into cooperation.
This is what I got, if you're curious:
Imcomplete-- Cat's Cradle
Right now I am much more interested in my idea for a post-series Al/WRath, actually. *shot*
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