Jun 02, 2005 09:05
Just watched the fansub for episode 37 last night. LMBO! Poor Havoc. Nice to see Roy with his, er, jacket off -- see the lighter side of him. Oh but wait, he took that jacket off and WHAT THE FUCK?????
Is that a SKIRT attached to his pants?
What the heck kind of uniform IS that. I figured all this time that their jackets were just long and er... cool. But no the jackets are short. The half skirt is attached to the pants. I'm thinking, hmmm, combat must be different with a long peice of completely unnecessary fabric hanging off the back.
And it's, er... just a bit girlie. I guess that's the gender equality thing going on. So apparently the women don't have to wear miniskirts, but the men have to wear long skorts. Or would they be called Spants? Skants?
And here I was wondering at Envy's fashion choices. What was I thinking... apparently skirt/pants combinations is not only down right manly in this world, but it's MILITARY MACHO!
And that's my FMA thought for the day.
I know where I'm going with Pawns 23, but it took a couple of days to get it right in my head. Now I gotta write it.