Aug 27, 2008 19:08
♪ OMG ScReW's Wailing Wall is just drop-down plain awesomee. *__________*
I can't seem to find the song anywhere though. :/ I don't wanna download the whole single as I only like 2 songs. Zealot has too much screaming, and too much screaming ain't good for meh ears.
♪ Btw, I need to study. :/
Shit, I can't study alone. I neeed company. I can't lock myself up in a room and just study till I shit out notes, I'd die. I know I have 3 months left to A's and frankly speaking other than Literature none of my other subjects are even near the damn high standards that the education system sets here.
♪ I watched Gayass 20 already, I'm too heartbrokened to do a review. I only know my Suza-sama has totally snapped. He's snapped to being such an arsehole. Gosh, I could hardly remember (even if my brain has regained functioning) that Suza-sama has become such a punching bag. I hold faith for him, but dammit, he's not proving all the anti-Suza fans wrong!
♪ I finally finished Breaking Dawn. This is srsly the LONGEST time I took to finish a book from a series that I love. Btw, Twilight is NOT my most favourite series 'nymore. I'm too shattered to see my Ed being masqueraded upon by despair and fear of losing Bella. Shit I don't give a damn about Bella. I will catch the movie when it comes out though. [: Having Robert Patterson in there is a STRIKE not to miss.
I prefer Twilight, FTW. It remains till today, my most favourite book from the whole stupid series.
♪ NEXUS 4 for a song name is wierd. O____O But heck, Hyde still smashes ♥
♪ HD space. :/
Damn, my hard disk is totally running out of space. I'm not gettin' Gayass R2 OST, cause I ran out of stupid space. I don't even know whether should I get the Soul Eater OST. I need to delete all my Gayass episodes when it ends.
♪ :/
total stupidity