Alright, I didn't do the previous 2 episodes, because apparently I was really REALLY busy. :[ But I just finished watching this episode and I really REALLY loved it. =DD
Review under the cutt, screencaps taken off Tenka Seiha again. =D
Beware, screencaps are heavy Yoite, because I completely have fallen in love with this bishie all over again. He's SOOOOO COOL! <3 I really like this guy because he's really lonely and really like a lost child... Despite him having the strongest power and having few facial expressions, he totally changed in this episode... MiharuxYoite is another pair I support. Though I'd supported MiharuxKumohira right from the start.
The chunk of episode 6 was the private meeting between Yoite and Miharu. Kumohira completely lost his cool because Miharu went missing again once he arrived at Banten. I must admit, that Koichi is REALLY SMART. He calmed Kumohira down, so Miharu went to meet with Yoite. It was so shocking that Yoite revealed that he wanted Miharu to use his Hijitsu to erase his present existence right from the past. He practically just wanted to erase and get rid of his roots. But Yoite was really clever to hold Kumohira and the rest hostages by injecting a fragment of his powers within his victims and if Miharu didn't help him they'd all die.
Yoite had this shocked expressions on his face when Miharu agreed to help him. He was almost like being so keen to do anything for him... Though that was with purpose, that was quite... I should say, kind of him... He's not entirely dead, that Yoite...
Poor Miharu, he wasn't left with a choice! Miharu still believed that he stood alone and deserved help from nobody. It's because he's too sweet and he does care, despite saying that he does not. HE STILL DOES! >_<
Despite it being a trade, Yoite was really kind to walk up those long steps with Miharu back to Miharu's house. And he was panting because of his lack of life force and also he said he hadn't talked so much in a long time. OMG!! *Fangurl mode*
And despite being their first official meeting, the both of them just said goodbye with their first names. KAWAII! *Fantasizes*
Kumohira was acting up again once he saw Miharu alive and kicking, frying food on the hot plate when they entered Miharu's store. But of course, Miharu being fast, evaded all those affections by Kumohira, LOL.
This episode was pretty good, more talking, not much action, but it revealed ALOT. So Yoite and Miharu are like in cahoots with each other, while Fuuma faces off with Kairoyushuu. But I do hope that Miharu realises that the more he doesn't want to get himself involved, he's getting plunged deeper in. He shouldn't act heroic to be a loner even though he doesn't want his partners to get hurt. OH NO NO NO!! >_<
PS: I can't believe I finally fell in a bishie crazy fangurl kinda mode because of a baddie. I love Yoite as the baddie. xDD And secondly, I'm SOOOOO getting Nabari manga when I go to Kinokuniya to do shopping.