Title: Shining Star
Chapters: 3/4
Pairing: Aoi x Uruha, brief Reita x Ruki, brief Reita x Uruha
Genre: AU, Romance
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sexy characters 8D
Summary: Uruha is a beautiful man who could probably get everyone kneeling in front of him in the blink of an eye, but there’s something missing in his life that his work
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Comments 42
This is the most awesome AoixUru fanfic I've ever read! The details are very well written! No offense to some fic writers out there who usually write much more long descriptions which makes the story boring, but yours is just...is just too perfect! *glomps you* Ohmygod, good thing I happen to stumble on this awesome fanfic! And now, I am soooo going to stalk it! Prepare yourself, XDDDDD
Wait, what? This fic is going to end anytime soon? DD8 I like long love stories. ;A; Well anyways. Surprise me with your next update, nee? *puppy eyes*
I may write a long love story, but not before my exams are over. I'm already thinking about different plots 8D
Thanks a lot for the kind words <3<3<3 *hugs you* ~ *smiles happily*
Stalk it, I'm ready 8D
Anyway, I was liek, drowned by the cuteness. Kouyou's in luuuv~ -sings-
Will be looking forward to the last chapter. :D
(sorry, don't know what else to say xD I'm trying not to repeat myself in my replies XD)
I would have liked to stay with Ruki and Reita, a little bt... Reita as the big porn star(wolf) and Ruki as his little afraid fan(bunny)... XD
Thank you!
I may add a fifth chapter... I don't know...
<3 thanks ;)
Mmm. AoixUru were really sweet. Uru was cute all the time, oh the sweetness! ^_^
Amazing chapter, can't wait for the next one! ^^
Thank you <3<3 =]
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