(no subject)

Nov 03, 2005 10:09

I haven't done one in a long while so here it is and the subject is for all the haters in the world.... (Hater niggas marry hater bitches and have hater kids - 'Ye')

Stars Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
- hayden Christensen (?) is in it (-) HOWEVER he can play a pretty decent evil dude and he looks creepy with yellow eyes(+) so those two cancel each other out
-Natalie Portman (+) yep
-Vader costume (+)
-jedi murderings(+)
-killing "younglings" (++)
-Naming the kids Luke and Leia and dying in the same breath(-)
-General Grievous ( ) the juries still out.... the living robot? what?
-awesome opening shot... (+)
-playful jedi banter between obi-wan and anakin(+) 'You owe me and not because I saved your life for the 10th time..." "That business on doesn't count"
-Sexy blue jedu chick(+)
-Mustafar (+) that planet is bad ass...
-anakins quick flip... whats the deal homie? fuckin flip flopping... (-)

I may have done one of these before but whatever... love Star Wars or get out of my country...
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