Easter is a fake holiday

Apr 15, 2006 11:49

The idea of Easter is completely rediculous, I've read the bible and there is nothing about bunnies laying chocolate eggs anywhere in that piece of trite.

Easter as the world knows it is a construct of Christianity stolen directly from the Pagen faith. What this time is all about is the Pagen firtility rites of spring, the Feast of Ester.

Easter is a made up holiday that holds no purpose and is substanceless, think about what you're celebrating before blindly supporting such non-sense. And please don't give me that whole "it's a nice reason to get together with family" shit, save it, you shouldn't need a reason to get together with your family. If you want a good reason go look up information on Belltane:

An ancient Celtic feast marked by the lighting of bonfires and the performance of various rites of purification.
The day on which this feast was held, usually May 1.
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