May 07, 2011 09:02
[Waver had just come from the Post Office, minus a few body parts.]
[The visible losses were obvious, considering the bloody stump that was his left arm and the sunken socket of his right eye. He was clutching the empty arm of his shirt against the wound; it didn't do much to staunch the blood flow, and both his side and the sidewalk were stained from it. The right side of his face was covered in blood from his missing eye.]
[The fact that he was upright and stumbling down the street could be attributed more to adrenaline and panic than toward any force of will on his part; if it hadn't been for those two things, he probably wouldn't have made it out of the Post Office before passing out. As it was, thinking over the white-hot, screaming pain of the sudden amputations-- along with the less obvious internal injuries-- was practically impossible.]
[There was only one coherent thought in his mind: get to Bilko Street. That's where Rider was, and Rider was the only person that Waver knew and trusted enough to go to when so severely injured. He wasn't even sure if he was going in the right direction, but he had to get to his former Servant's house on the chance that he was there and would have some idea about how to take care of this.]
[Judging from the way his vision was starting to gray out, getting there before passing out would be nothing short of a miracle.]
[Getting to Bilko had been... less than successful. Waver was not a large person, and the fact that he had left a significant portion of his blood volume on the sidewalk meant that consciousness did not remain with him for very long.]
[Somewhere along the way, he had passed out and was lying on the sidewalk. He was still alive-- though not for much longer if his blood loss ran unchecked.]
bad idea bears,
+ruri hoshino,
not as planned,
grievous bodily harm