Moonchild logic

Nov 15, 2008 08:05

So, Moonchild is now afraid of a couple of things, which is sad but also a source of amusement when you hear her logic.  Here's an exchange from last night:

V: Can I sleep with you, Mommy? (she's never asked to do this before)
Me: Why, honey?
V: I'm scared of the polar bear.
Me: Honey, there are no polar bears in the house.
V: There's one polar bear.
Me: Where?
V: In the TV. (she saw it on "Dora Saves the Snow Princess" several days before)
Me: But that's not real, honey, it's make-believe.
V: But I'm scared of the polar bear.
Me: Why are you scared of the polar bear?
V: Because they're big and they go RARR.

Which is why they are at the top of Stephen Colbert's Threat-Down list. ;-)

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