Jun 02, 2008 20:26
...or, in our case, the golden-haired girl with the goose egg.
Just when I thought I was finally going to be able to put some stress aside, I got a call from the daycare. Moonchild was playing outside in a wagon with a friend, and she stood up just as he pulled hard on the wagon handle. She fell out and hit her head. On concrete. I raced over there to find that she was mostly okay, but had quite a lump on the back of her head and a scrape on her back. I sat with her in the office with a couple of the lead folks and we observed her (the ER is next door, so I wanted to make sure we didn't need to go there!). No concussion. She was okay, thank goodness, and we went home. Tylenol was had...and pudding...and bubbles...and all was well with the world again.
So exhausted....I think it's time I go to bed and try to catch up on my sleep...although I suspect I'll be waking frequently to check on her and make sure she's okay....