Art quiz thing

Jan 21, 2007 21:35

Snatched from veli!

Who is the character you've drawn the most? (Can be original or fanart)
Kim, by far. With 90 of the actual one and 50 of other versions.

What colour do you often use?
Blue, teal, violet, dark and skin.

Any colour you are bad at using?
Yellow and other light ones. I just can't get shading working on them. I'm surprised I'm able to do skin.

When drawing people, where do you start?
If it's from the side, nose. from the front or behind, jaw. I have serious trouble placing the head if I don't draw it first; the whole drawing goes all weird.

What is a character only your eraser will love?
All real life people, many of other people's characters, book characters.

Which of your works took the longest time?
I'm not sure. Either some age-old crappy thing I did a long time ago, or maybe the two cityscape things I never actually finished, or this.

What techniques do you use when you want to improve in drawing?
I try to figure out what's wrong in my drawing, most often by thinking logically, then looking at my anatomy posters, then looking at myself, and finally other pictures and real life people. If I just need to learn something, like doing backgrounds, I'll just need to find the patience, which I don't often achieve.

What art tools/media are you good with?
Pencil, digital (Paint Shop Pro), ink and maybe colored pencils.

Art tools/media you are bad at?
Anything where I have to use a real life brush.

What do you think about your own art?
It's pretty good for someone who studied it on eir own and never copied.

Do you consult magazines for your drawings?

What do you like about your art?
I like my own style.

What habits do you have while drawing?
I tend to make faces (which are usually similar to what the characters in the drawing should have), forget about my legs, roll the pencil around in my hand

Are you good at drawing faces facing right?
I think so.

How frequently do you draw?
Depends. I've gone weeks, maybe even a month or two without drawing anything (or much anything), and in other times I've drawn a whole bunch of things just on one day.

What do you do when you have artist's block?
I do something else.

What must you have when you draw?
Paper or cardboard, some kind of writing tool and usually a hard surface. Also a temperature warm enough that I can just have thing gloves on my hands.

Do you have a lot of stray lines (messy lineart)?
HECK YES. Those are all I have.

What is drawing to you?
Illustrating my stories, doing something with my hands, eye-hand coordination, and making other people happy occasionally.

Your goal from now on?
I hope I'll keep drawing. I should make comics.

Artists you've had influence from?
None. Some X-Men artists maybe. Marc Silvestri for one does the kind of stuff I really like.

Artists you like?
Alan Davis, Marc Silvestri, Barry Windsor-Smith, and a bunch of friends too.

Which is easier to draw, humans or animals?
Humans and rabbits are easy. Rodents too. All other animals, except for humanoids, nope.

Please tell us the title(s) of your own comic(s)?
The Heritage of Humankind should be a comic. I've made plenty of comics or comic-like things, but most are not really publishable and definitely don't have names. I should really make more comics.

Show us an old picture:
To the Past with a Time Machine

What is the charm-point of your art?
My own style? Some people like my rough pencil lines - and others don't. :D

What is the first thing you would draw if we're talking about fantasy?
Ironically, a mage.

Please draw your most beloved character:
I really don't know what character I like the most, but I can't deny that Kim is my favorite subject.

When thinking of characters is it mostly female? male? or androgynous/no sex?
Watch who you're asking that from! XD My characters are usually anything but females or males.

What did you draw yesterday?
I did actually draw something yesterday! I finished a character study of my newest RPG character.

What is the funniest part to draw?
Porn. >_>

What part of other people's drawings do you notice first?
Whether their style is a bit like mine.

Regarding backgrounds, what is your method of making it easier to draw?
I make it reeeeeally simple. A very new discovery was drawing the character standing on a blanket!

What colour coordinations do you like?

What character did you last draw?
The aformementioned RPG character.

Does your style change easily?

What part of drawing do you pay most attention to?
Face and torso, sometimes hands.

How do you feel about drawing H pictures?
H? Hate? Hentai? Homosexual? What?

Do you like criticism from others?
Sure, if I can use it. Of course usually it's nice that people pay attention to it, too, but if it's just bashing... well.

How many people do you normally draw per artwork?
One. I think my record was 11 (not a comic).

When you were a kid did you think of becoming an illustrator/comic artist/etc.? If you did, do you still hold that dream now?
I think I did, maybe. Briefly. But as far as I can remember, I've wanted to keep drawing as a hobby. I can and want to have a job that pays off more.

drawing, quiz-things

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