Title: Between a Knight and his King
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Adventure
Word Count: 300
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Implied America/England
Rating/Warnings: G
Summary: Arthurian legend AU. In which Alfred loses his usual confidence and his king tries to restore his morale.
Author's Note: Sort of Arthurian legend AU. I borrowed one or two concepts from the actual legend, so yeah. Feel free to take a guess on who Alfred is c:
Challenge: 6. Legend at
hetachallenge “Is that how it is?”
Alfred looked up to the familiar voice and was greeted by the sight of his king; with green eyes glaring down to him and lips twitching as if in distaste. Unable to meet his king's eyes, Alfred lets his gaze fall back to the ground.
“It's no use, Arthur,” Alfred began quietly. “You know I use two hands to wield my sword...”
“It's Your Majesty for you, Sir Alfred.” Arthur dipped his head down so he could try to catch Alfred's eyes. “And I am starting to doubt that you are one of my best knights.”
Alfred tilted his head further down, cheeks puffed out in mild annoyance. Can't Arthur already see that he was upset?
“True power lies not in what one has,” he said, drawing out a familiar sword from a scabbard. “But in how one utilises what he does have.”
Alfred blinked twice, before finally making eye contact. Arthur looked at him for a moment before sighing and straightening himself up.
“You left this in the battlefield, you complete git.” He flung the sword he was holding blade-first into the ground. “And if you can draw that sword from the earth, you can still fight.”
With that, he turned around and walked away from him, cape flying behind him.
Alfred never had a more vivid image of a hero in his head.
And he was determined to follow it.
Sparing not another second, he got up in one swift movement and pulled out his sword from the earth easily with his right hand, and followed after his king.
Arthur threw him a short glance over his shoulder and continued on forward.
Alfred could have sworn he saw a smirk as he turned away.