Aldnoah Zero episode 12:
AAAAAAAH THIS ENTIRE FUCKING EPISODE. Lmao I can't wait for the second season now.
I CAN'T BELIEVE THINGS ENDED LIKE THAT. And LMAO I feel bad that I felt worse for Saazbaum than I did for Seylum and Inaho (especially when Saazbaum was asking for a headshot lol). I mean I do like the princess, but I don't care that much about her and Inaho just weirds me out too much to like. BUT YEAH. POOR SLAINE. GOD DAMN LIFE HATES HIM. And lmao I'm not sure if Saazbaum/Seylum/Inaho are even dead at all. Saazbaum is just like bleeding to death so someone could maybe get to him in time. And Seylum's and Inaho's headshots could be a lot less severe than they look lmao.
ANYWAYS THOUGHTS BY THE END OF THE FIRST PART: The music is AMAZING. The opening and both endings are catchy as fuck. And the OST is ridiculously great. I love the action a lot. Most of the characters are a little too flat or bland for me to love. I like Seylum and love Slaine and lmao Saazbaum. I don't really like Inaho as the MC. The plot twists were GREAT. OVERALL: VERY ENTERTAINING.
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