My Toxic Valentine // Chapter 18

Jan 28, 2011 00:11

 Jack couldn't wipe the smile off his face. He'd always enjoyed busking, even if it wasn't the most practical way to make a living, but with Alex it was infinitely more fun. It was infinitely more profitable as well.

“So, is this a good day?” Alex asked, gesturing to the pile of change sitting on his bed between the two boys.

“This is a great day,” Jack said with a smile “And I don't just mean for the money.”

Alex grinned back at the younger boy, causing the all too familiar blush to return to his cheeks.

“So, what do you want to do tonight?” he asked.

Jack shrugged. “I don't mind. If you want to go out with your friends or whatever...”

“Jack,” Alex began sternly “How many times do I have to tell you?”

It was true. They'd had this conversation pretty much every night for the past week and it always ended in Alex saying something that made Jack go weak at the knees.

“I don't want to go out with them. I saw Zack at school today and he's the only one I give a shit about. I'd rather be with you.”

Their relationship hadn't really changed so much as intensified. There was constant flirting; mostly initiated by Alex and they'd gotten closer; both literally and metaphorically.

Jack bit his lip and shrugged slightly. “I guess we could watch a movie then?”

Alex grinned, a mischievous look in his eyes. “If I let you put on Home Alone will you cuddle with me?”

“I said you could pick this time,” he mumbled, blushing once again.

“I'd rather cuddle with you and watch a shitty movie though.”

“Home Alone is not a shitty movie!” Jack argued, but he couldn't help grinning at the older boy. “What if we cuddle and I let you pick the movie?”

“Even better,” Alex said, matching his grin.

He got up off the bed and picked out a DVD, some action thing. Jack really wasn't paying attention considering how good Alex's ass looked in those skinny leg jeans. He blushed with the realisation of where his mind had wandered and fought desperately block it out.

He waited for Alex to settle on the bed; he always took the spot next to the wall, before kicking off his shoes and laying down.

Alex's arms wrapped around the younger boys waist instantly and he rested his head on his shoulder as they watched the opening credits.

“Have you seen this?” he murmured into Jack's neck, his breath giving Jack goosebumps.

“No,” Jack said quietly, still trying to focus on anything but Alex, which was hard because Alex's hands were slung just so low around his waist.

It probably wasn't even an intentional thing; Alex just enjoyed closeness, but it was making it hard for Jack to deny just how much he wanted the older boy.

“S'good,” Alex said, nuzzling his head into the crook of Jack's neck and, dammit, that was intentional. It didn't really bother Jack, how much Alex pushed him, tempted him, because he always backed off when Jack called time.

But tonight, Jack wasn't so sure that he did want to call time. He knew that the friendship they'd developed was somewhat unconventional and, fuck, they got over the drunken blowjob with next to no awkwardness. What was some harmless cuddling, with the potential for a make-out session?

He moved his hand to rest over Alex's, lacing their fingers together. It was a big gesture from Jack; any intimacy that he initiated was a massive step in the right direction, and Alex reacted instantaneously, pressing a soft kiss to the younger boy's shoulder.

They laid there like that for awhile, neither really watching the movie, both just enjoying being together and wondering if the other would take things further.

Eventually Alex did, moving the hand that Jack wasn't holding and slipping it under his t-shirt, resting on his prominent hip bone. He traced the shape of it lazily, enjoying the trail of goosebumps and the occasional shiver he left in his wake.

He kissed Jack's neck, causing him to inhale sharply and Alex smiled against his skin before continuing to place gentle kisses anywhere he could reach.

“If you want me to stop, then tell me,” he murmured between kisses.

“I... I don't,” Jack breathed “Ever.”

Alex stopped and moved back from Jack slightly, looking surprised but at the same time kind of hopeful. Jack's cheeks began to redden as he realised what he'd said but before he could doubt himself, Alex was leaning over him and kissing him tentatively on the lips, almost as if testing how far he was allowed to push him.

When Jack kissed him back, parting his lips just slightly, he pushed on, tracing the outline of the younger boy's lower lip with his tongue; begging him to open his mouth just a little more.

Jack complied, allowing Alex to deepen the kiss as he moved to straddle Jack's legs. He was vaguely aware of Alex running his fingers through his hair, and felt him tighten his grip and pull them closer together.

They were a flurry of messy kisses and eager hands moving under shirts, grasping at fabric, and gently scratching at skin. Their legs were entwined now and as Alex pushed his thigh between Jack's; putting all the right pressure in all the right places, Jack groaned lightly.

“Don't be quiet. I want to hear you,” Alex said breathlessly, pushing up Jack's shirt and reluctantly pulling back for a second so he could assist him in removing it completely. He flung it carelessly aside, and sat back for a moment, taking in the shirtless boy laying underneath him.

It made Jack nervous, having someone as perfect as Alex see him like that, and apparently this was obvious.

“You're beautiful,” Alex said softly before planting a gentle kiss to Jack's lips and beginning to kiss his way from there down. He kissed down Jack's prominent ribs, down his painfully flat stomach until he got to the waistband of his jeans.

From there it became a flurry of clothes removal; Jack's jeans, then Alex's shirt, then Alex's jeans, until they were both left in their boxers.

Alex was still straddling Jack's waist, and he could feel him positively quivering underneath him, but he wanted to savour every single moment.

The romantic, sweet, slow gestures had passed though and each time their lips crashed together it was with more and more urgency. Alex had never kissed anyone with as much passion and he had never been kissed by anyone who meant as much.

He pushed his hips down, rutting against Jack, eliciting noises from the younger boy that only made him want him more. He slid a hand between them and began to palm Jack through his boxers, not quite hard enough to achieve anything but it was enough to make Jack writhe underneath him, trying to force more contact.

“Please,” he panted, caught halfway between moaning and begging. That was all Alex needed to hear and he pushed down Jack's boxers, letting him kick them off himself as he removed his own.

He leant over, reaching into the drawer of his bedside table and produced a tube of lube. He squirted some into his hand, Jack watching nervously, biting his lip.

“Alex, I'm not... I can't yet,” he stammered, too turned on to really explain anything properly.

“I know,” Alex assured him gently. He wrapped his hand around Jack's cock firmly and began to jerk him off messily. He leant down so his mouth was level with Jack's ear, so close that Jack could feel his breath, which really only added to the sensation of the long awaited contact.

“I just want to get you off,” Alex whispered “I want you to feel good.”

Jack could only moan in response, breathing heavily as he tried to stop himself from outright fucking Alex's hand. He was acutely aware of Alex's cock hard up against his leg, the older boy's attempt at getting them both off as he rutted up against Jack's thigh.

“Alex...” Jack pushed Alex's hand away, causing a look of confusion to pass over his face. “Come here,” he said breathlessly, his hands on Alex's hips, guiding him so that they were at waist-level to one another.

Jack reached between them, wrapping his hand around both of them at once and Alex gasped slightly, before closing his eyes and just going with it. Having Jack jerk him off would've been enough, but being able to feel Jack's dick against his own while he did it was pure heaven.

Jack was too turned on to even be insecure right now and he used his free hand to pull Alex to him, kissing him with as much force as he could muster, the next few minutes a blur of messy kisses and contact before they both came; Alex first and Jack soon after.

“That was... fuck,” Alex said, almost deliriously, after they'd both had a few moments to catch their breath.

“Yeah,” Jack agreed, blushing slightly before adding “Is it okay... can I shower?”

Alex looked contemplative for a moment. “I don't think so. I'm kind of enjoying you laying there covered in jizz.”

Jack looked momentarily horrified before Alex laughed, nudging him. “You don't need to ask. Go on.”

Jack grinned sheepishly before getting up, self-consciously covering himself with his hand.

“I've seen it all before. Twice now,” Alex pointed out. Jack just ignored him, blushing harder as he got his clothes together and went into the bathroom.

He caught sight of himself in the mirror, and screwed his nose up. It wasn't the most flattering look. Messy handjobs were always kind of... well, messy. He couldn't help but grin giddily though.

He knew, deep down, that it was probably not in his best interests to get involved with Alex like this, but he was beginning to care less and less. Because being with Alex felt good, and Jack was willing to take the risk.

He smiled the entire time he showered, opting for the vanilla body wash again because Alex liked the way it made him smell, and felt a weight lift off his shoulders.

He'd always felt as though happiness was going to be just a little bit too far out of his reach for the rest of his life, but right now he felt pretty damn close to it.

He dried off and dressed, still smiling and was looking forward to climbing into bed with Alex (preferably after he'd showered too) and maybe actually watching a movie. He wondered if Alex would still be willing to watch Home Alone with him.

When he walked back into Alex's bedroom and saw Alex sitting on the edge of the bed, boxers on and a serious expression on his face he felt his smile slowly fade, however.

“Alex?” Jack asked hesitantly.

“I just spoke to Zack,” Alex replied, looking up at Jack, hurt evident in his features “Why didn't you tell me it was my friends who beat you up?”

slashy stuff, my toxic valentine, shitty writing

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