My Toxic Valentine // Chapter 12

Dec 14, 2010 01:23

 Nothing immediately struck Alex as being out of the ordinary when he woke the next morning.

Sure, he was curled up on his bed rather than in it, but even that wasn't particularly unusual, especially if he'd had a few drinks the night before.

Judging by the dryness in his mouth, the weird, lingering but not unpleasant after-taste of something he couldn't quite put his finger on, the hazy feeling that was clouding his brain and the fact that he was still fully clothed, a few drinks was exactly what had preceded Alex passing out on top of his bed.

Despite not being covered by his usual mass of blankets, Alex wasn't cold and he attributed this partly to the fact that he was still completely dressed and partly because he was snuggled up close to Jack who was curled up in a cat-like ball next to him.

It was only upon seeing Jack looking so adorable next to him, that Alex realised something was amiss.

While waking up snuggled up to Jack was something he was more than happy to do, it wasn't exactly something that had seemed imminent in their future.

Too scared to move much for fear of setting off a pounding headache, Alex cast his mind back to the previous night.

Jack's moans as Alex kissed along his abdomen.

The way Jack was practically quivering underneath Alex the whole time.

The guttural groan Jack let out when he came.

The way Jack tasted; hot and sticky, in Alex's mouth.

“Fuck,” Alex swore loudly as he sat up with a start.

He wasn't sure how he felt about the previous night's events and that was mainly because he wasn't sure how Jack would react when he woke up. Alex knew there was next to no chance of Jack waking up and being so overawed by Alex's sexual prowess that he'd decide a relationship might be something worth considering.

No, the more likely outcome would be him freaking the fuck out and leaving again.

“Shit,” Alex muttered, untangling himself from Jack completely and scooting over to the other side of the bed.

This movement stirred Jack and he blinked sleepily a few times before his eyes finally opened properly. When the did it seemed to take a minute for him to focus, but as he saw Alex sitting there, chewing his lip nervously, his eyes went wide.

“Oh... I... um... did we... did you?” he managed to stammer out, sitting up slowly and wincing as the vaguely familiar dull throb of a hangover filled his head.

Alex couldn't help but grin a little at the sight of Jack's hair sticking up at all angles, the blush on his face intensifying rapidly and the marks on his face from the pillow. It just made him look even more adorable and that was something Alex was already having difficulty dealing with.

He thought carefully about how to answer this. It didn't have to be awkward, did it? What's a blowjob between friends, anyway?

“Uh, yeah,” Alex said with a slightly nervous laugh “I'm kinda slutty when I'm drunk.”

Jack shifted uncomfortably but didn't say anything, which made Alex feel somewhat anxious.

“Are we... are we still okay?” he asked, chewing on his lip nervously.

Jack nodded slowly, before looking up at Alex.

“This doesn't change anything, though,” he said quietly.

Alex smiled, but it was a little bittersweet. “I know.”

Jack returned his smile, but his was more relieved than anything. “Okay. Yeah, we're good, then.”

There was a brief, slightly awkward,silence before Alex cleared his throat and ran a hand through his messy hair.

“I don't know about you, but I could really use a shower.”

Jack nodded, not about to turn down a hot shower.

“Did you want to borrow a change of clothes?” Alex asked, standing up and stretching, causing his shirt to ride up just a little bit and show off his stomach.

Jack blushed and shrugged. “It's okay, I can just...”

“Don't be stupid. Come on,” Alex walked over to his closet and opened it, casting a critical eye over its contents.

He pulled out a pair of jeans that he knew were too small for him, so they'd fit Jack perfectly, and threw them to the taller boy.

“Here, these should fit.”

He rifled through his shirts and smiled when he found one emblazoned with the Blink-182 bunny and was reminded of the first time he'd seen Jack; playing I Miss You in the middle of the city.

Without thinking twice he passed the shirt to Jack and said “You can keep these.”

Jack opened his mouth to argue, but Alex just shrugged. “They're too small for me, anyway.”

That was only partly true- the shirt fit just fine, in fact, Alex wore it quite a lot. But for some reason, he wanted to see it on Jack instead.

Jack smiled shyly and muttered a quiet “Thanks.”

“You can have a shower if you want,” Alex said, gesturing towards the door that lead to his bathroom.

Jack nodded. “Thanks, I think I will.”

Alex sat on his bed and laid back into his pillows as he watched Jack pick up his backpack and walk into the bathroom. He'd managed to block out thinking about what had occurred the previous night while Jack was still in the room with him, but the minute he left Alex was fighting back the mental images.

Alex couldn't really explain why he'd decided it would be a good thing to do beyond alcohol, horniness and the fact that he really was a slut when he'd been drinking. He suspected that some part of his inebriated brain had reasoned that if he sucked Jack off, he'd totally win him over and would then be allowed to kiss him on a regular basis.

He'd been wrong, obviously.

All it had a achieved was a slightly awkward morning after experience and making Alex realise just how much he wanted to be able to do that all the time. And maybe get a little back in return.

Because, dammit, he was on edge. He was edgy and still immensely horny. While he'd succeeded in getting Jack off, he'd completely neglected himself and passed out, leaving for a very unsatisfied Alex.

He tried to talk himself down, to avoid the horrific scene that would certainly unfold should Jack walk in to find Alex sprawled across his bed, jerking off and moaning Jack's name, and was pretty successful. He'd managed to put himself in control and figured that Jack would leave at some point and he could 'handle' things then.

Just as Alex was being proud of himself for dealing with his teenage urges, the door to the bathroom opened and Jack shuffled through. His hair was wet and clinging to his head, the clothes Alex had leant him hanging off his bony frame, the t-shirt rising to show his stomach as he ran a hand through his hair. When he put his bag down and bent over to get something out, Alex realised that he was gradually losing the control he had worked so hard to gain.

As quickly as he could, he gathered his own clean clothes and made a break for it.

“Shower. Back in a minute,” he blurted, closing the door behind him and, no doubt, leaving Jack wondering what kind of a weirdo he was associating with.

He stripped off, kicking his dirty clothes into a pile in the corner of the bathroom and turned the water on and stepping under it. He was relieved for both the wake-up that the hot water was giving him, but also the solace from having to stop himself from jumping Jack's bones at any given moment.

It was harder to block out the thoughts of the night before while he was standing naked and alone in the shower. Despite the initial blur from the alcohol, he remembered everything clearly now; the way Jack felt in his mouth, the way he tasted and the way he moaned Alex's name as he came.

It was useless to fight his arousal, Alex decided. Besides, surely relieving this problem would be the noble and gentlemanly thing to do. It was better than him just sneaking up on Jack and having his way with him. Well, not better, Alex thought, but more socially acceptable.

With that in mind, he leant against the glass wall that enclosed the shower, the warm water still washing over him and began to stroke himself lazily. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander.

Soon it wasn't his hand touching him, it was Jack's and Alex could just about see the shy look on his face, the blush rising to his cheeks as he worked Alex in his hand like putty. It wasn't surprising, given that this all took place in Alex's own perverted mind, that he knew all of Alex's favourite tricks.

Alex twisted his wrist slightly, and running his hand up his dick, flicked his thumb over the head, a light, barely audible moan escaping his lips.

The slickness of the water from the shower was enough of a lubricant to make his movements smooth and wet and completely enjoyable and he felt himself building in no time. For some reason, jacking off to the thought of... well, Jack, was a pretty easy thing for him to do.

Alex could help that the final moan he let out when he came mingled with Jack's name. It wouldn't have been audible to Jack in the next room, but the fact that it had happened was enough to make Alex blush.

He rinsed his hand off and commenced the rest of his usual shower routine, feeling considerably more comfortable and controlled.

He stepped out of the shower, dried off and dressed. He took a little longer with his hair than he was proud of and he completely denied the fact that it ha anything to do with the younger boy waiting in the next room for him.

Once satisfied, Alex walked back into his bedroom to see Jack perched awkwardly on the end of his bed. He smiled at him and Jack returned it before looking sheepishly at his feet.

“Did you want to do something today?” Alex asked, rummaging through one of his drawers before grinning with victory and putting a dark purple beanie on over his immaculately groomed hair.

“Yeah? I mean, if you don't have anything else on...”

Alex shook his head. “Nope, it's a Saturday. No school, no social life at the moment.”

Jack blushed. “I wish you'd talk to your friends again.”

“No. If they want me they can talk to me. They're the ones in the wrong, not me. Besides, I'd rather hang out with you.”

There was a short silence and Alex felt the blush rise back into his cheeks, but managed to block it out.

“We could go into the city for a bit. If you want, we can swing by your hotel if you need anything there.”

This suggestion was met with silence and Alex turned to Jack, wondering if he'd even heard him. “Jack?”

He noticed that the younger boy was shifting slightly uncomfortably and frowned. “What's wrong?”

Jack shook his head. “Nothing, I don't need to go there.”

“Liar. What's bothering you?” Alex was concerned now. Jack was always quiet and kind of awkward around him, but he didn't really understand why he looked so anxious.

They made eye contact, and Alex noted a kind of searching look in Jack's eyes, seemingly trying to make a very difficult decision.

“Uh, there's probably something I should tell you...” Jack began, looking down at his feet.

slashy stuff, my toxic valentine, shitty writing

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