My Toxic Valentine // Chapter 11

Dec 07, 2010 23:49

 “So, what do you want to watch?” Alex asked, gesturing toward the cabinet full of DVDs.

“Home Alone,” Jack replied immediately.

Alex sighed. “Really, Jack? Again?”

Jack nodded emphatically. “It’s pretty much the best movie ever.”

“No way,” Alex argued “There are way better movies!”

“Name one.”

“Uh, every movie ever made!”

Jack pouted at Alex. “Please, Lex… you know it’s my favourite.”

At the use of the nickname, Alex melted.

“Fine,” he said, pretending to be annoyed.

Jack grinned shyly. ‘You can pick next time. Promise.”

Alex knew that would never happen. But he didn’t mind. Seeing Jack’s eyes light up and his mouth move as he silently recited along with the actors on screen was well worth it.

When Alex had put the movie on he sat down on his bed, fluffing his pillows up behind him. Jack was sitting awkwardly next to him, his lanky legs pulled up to his chest; almost defensively.

They weren't seated as closely as Alex would've liked, but it would have to do. He'd noticed that Jack wasn't a particularly touchy-feely person, and that didn't sit too well with Alex.

He was a cuddly person at the best of times and when he was with Jack all he wanted to do was snuggle up to the younger boy.

And maybe score another kiss if things worked out that way.

Since the afternoon in the park and, of course, the diner 'incident', Alex had spent every spare minute with Jack. When he wasn't at school and Jack wasn't working at the diner they were together; watching movies at Alex's house (usually Home Alone), sitting in the park together, eating at the diner together or playing guitar together.

It suited Alex perfectly, because out of all of his friends he was really only on speaking terms with Zack, who was trying to remain diplomatic and split his time between Alex and Rian.

It also suited Alex because he was finding that he enjoyed hanging out with Jack a little more than he enjoyed hanging out with Zack. Sure, Zack was his best friend but... Alex was beginning to believe that his feelings towards Jack were stretching the realm of friendship.

Unfortunately, every time he attempted to raise this topic with Jack he was met by uncomfortable shifting and subject-changing. Which is why Alex kept his mouth shut and his hands to himself as they sat side-by-side on his bed, watching a movie that was of highly debatable quality.

He would rather not lose Jack as a friend because he couldn't control his feelings. It was with that in mind that Alex reached down beside his bed and produced a bottle of Captain Morgan.

“Drink?” he offered the bottle to Jack who just kind of blinked in surprise at him.

“Um... yeah, alright.” he said taking the bottle from Alex.

Alex watched with curiosity as Jack unscrewed the cap and took a decent swig. He coughed slightly and winced before passing it back.

“I'd forgotten how much straight rum burned.”

Alex grinned. “You're out of practice. Maybe we should've started off with some beer or something.”

Jack laughed and nodded. “Oh well, too late now!”

Their attention turned back to the movie and they continued passing the bottle of rum (and later a very expensive bottle of red) back and forth between them. As the bottles got emptier, they got louder and Jack began to come out of his shell a little, which is exactly what Alex was hoping for.

He couldn't help but notice, however, that even though Jack was obviously feeling the effects of the alcohol he remained very guarded.
Alex found himself losing focus in the movie and just staring absently at Jack, studying him.

He still had his knees pulled up to his chest and Alex noticed that they were just SO thin. He wondered briefly if he could wrap his fingers around Jack's wrists and ankles and then wondered if it would be rude to try.

He decided that even if Jack didn't think it was rude, he'd still think it was weird and Alex definitely didn't want Jack to think he was some sort of creep with a wrist fetish.

Even if Jack did have nice wrists...

“Alex... Alex... Lex!”

Alex looked up abruptly to make contact with Jack's eyes, rather than his wrists. “Huh?”

“Movie's over.”

“Oh... was it good?” Alex asked stupidly, apparently forgetting that they'd watched the same one only days ago. He took a long drink of the wine that he'd been hogging for the last 15 minutes.

“S'always good, bro,” Jack replied seriously before reaching over and stealing Alex's booze.

Alex thought briefly about fighting him for it; purely out of principle, but then he realised that he was supposed to be sharing and he decided, very generously, that Jack had such lovely wrists that he could have as much of Alex's wine as he liked.

Not surprisingly, given the depraved nature of Alex's mind and the amount of alcohol he had consumed, he began to consider just how lovely Jack's wrists could prove themselves to be.

Particularly when performing tricky tasks like playing guitar... or jerking off. Or, better yet, jerking Alex off.

Although he tried very hard and very nobly indeed, Alex couldn't shake that image from his mind (or dick).

Which was possibly the explanation for Alex's next suggestion.

“We need to do something!” Alex declared as he took the bottle back from Jack and took a long swig.

“Something awesome,” Jack agreed.

“Y'know what'd be really awesome?” Alex asked, letting his weight slump against Jack.

“What?” Jack asked, not even caring about the close proximity of Alex anymore.

“If I gave you a blow job,” Alex suggested in a tone of voice so conversational that it was probably more suited to asking about the weather than offering young impressionable boys sexual favours.

Although Jack's dick was already screaming an emphatic 'yes', his more sensible organs were able to recognise that this probably wasn't the best idea, even in his inebriated state.

Jack kind of hated his more sensible organs sometimes.

Feeling as though attempting to speak might just end in him voicing this emphatic yes, he chose to just shake his head.

Alex pouted at him. “Please?” he asked, only slurring a tiny bit. “It doesn't have to mean anything. I just really want to get you off.”

Jack couldn't tear his gaze from Alex's mouth and he couldn't help but imagine his pouting lips wrapped around him. To his credit, Jack did attempt to turn Alex down. He made the mistake, however, of opening his mouth.

“Yeah, alright,” he said, taking a deep breath.

Alex giggled, his hands moving to Jack's waist as he straddled the younger boy's skinny legs.

“Don't look so nervous,” he said with a cheeky smile “It's not gonna hurt.”

Jack laughed at that as well, and Alex began to undo his belt, followed by his jeans which he threw to the side.

This left Jack laying on Alex's bed, clad only in his boxers, with Alex straddling his bare legs. His heart was pounding and he couldn't decide which emotion was stronger- nervousness, excitement, guilt or just pure arousal.

The minute he felt Alex begin to palm him through his boxers, however, that became a lot clearer.

Jack fought to hold back a groan when Alex's hand slipped into the waistband of his boxers and began stroking him.

It was dry, but Jack almost didn't care; just the feeling of Alex's skin on his was enough to have him whimpering with pleasure.

It was ridiculous to him that he had even considered turning this down. Why would anyone in their right mind want to refuse Alex Gaskarth's wet mouth around their...

Jack inhaled sharply as he felt Alex push up his shirt and begin to place sloppy kisses down his stomach. When he got to the top of his boxers he licked a stripe across Jack's lower stomach and it was all Jack could do not to moan like a pornstar. When Alex decided to attempt to remove Jack's boxers with his mouth, however, he lost all semblance of class and submitted himself entirely.

Given both boys states of inebriation this was never going to be a particularly classy act and this became obvious when, in his excitement to undress Jack, Alex accidentally nipped the skin on Jack's lower abdomen.

“Oh! Shit, fuck!” Jack kind of... squealed which, to be honest, he really wasn't proud of but then again he also didn't expect Alex to be quite so... nibbly.

“Oh, fuck, bro. I am so, so sorry!” Alex rambled, his face flushing scarlet.

Jack just shook his head. “N-no, it's fine. Just, um, maybe take them off with your hands.”

Rather than speak, Alex pressed a couple of gentle kisses to Jack's abdomen and, taking his advice, pulled his boxers the rest of the way off, tossing them carelessly to the side.

He continued his trail of wet, messy kisses until he was inches from Jack's cock, which was painfully hard by this point.

He squirmed underneath Alex, briefly entertaining the notion of just grabbing his hair and forcing him south but thankfully, before he had to get too S&M, he felt Alex's tongue run up and down his shaft before flicking over the head.

Jack groaned from deep in his throat and Alex smiled smugly before just going for broke and engulfing as much of Jack as he could.

Jack was seeing stars as Alex hollowed his cheeks out and began swallowing around his cock, still stroking what he couldn't fit which, considering the fact that Alex didn't seem particularly experienced, wasn't a lot.

Jack looked down at Alex, his swollen lips wrapped around him and his head bobbing up and down, and had to fight to remain in control.
He threaded his fingers roughly through Alex's messy mop of brown hair and forced himself in further which, to his credit, Alex handled well.

The hand that wasn't gripping Alex's hair was clinging to the plain blue comforter below them, his sweaty hand leaving a damp mark on fabric that Jack hated to consider the cost of.

To be honest, with Alex going to town on his dick, it was pretty hard to consider anything.

“Oh, fuck... Lex, I'm gonna...” Jack breathed, and it really was nothing more than a gasp of words as he felt himself getting closer and closer.

Despite Jack's warning, Alex made no attempt to move and instead took in every drop of Jack as he came, hot and messy, in Alex's mouth.

They were both breathless for a moment, as Alex shuffled back up the bed towards the pillows and collapsed next to Jack, a smug drunken look on his face.

“You really should've let me do that sooner,” he said, laying spread eagle on the bed.

“You never offered,” Jack pointed out as he reached down and grabbed his boxers, pulling them up over his skinny frame.

He laid back next to Alex, the pair of them with satisfied expressions on their faces; Jack in a post-orgasm haze and Alex feeling very proud of himself. Jack attempted to express his thanks or gratitude or something, but before he could get the words out he was out for the count, Alex already snoring softly next to him.

slashy stuff, my toxic valentine, shitty writing

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