My Toxic Valentine // Chapter 7

Dec 07, 2010 23:41

With a final spray and wipe, Jack finished clearing and cleaning a particularly disgusting table. He straightened the salt and peppers shakers and stepped back, casting a critical eye over his handwork. Once satisfied, he glanced up at the clock.
It was 2:30pm. Jack felt his stomach turn slightly as he realized two things. One: he’d worked past finishing again by 30 minutes, and two: he had to be at Alex’s in 30 minutes.

Of course, he could skip going to Alex’s. He could, instead, go to the train station and buy a ticket out of here. Which is what he should’ve done in the first place, he mentally scolded himself.

But it would be rude not to go to Alex’s now, after already committing, right? With that thought, Jack walked into the small, but comfortable, staff room. He untied his dirty black apron and folded it neatly before sitting it in the locker that Pattie (the diner’s owner) had granted him.

Jack had learnt a couple of things over the past few days. He’d learnt that, in the middle of the city there was a youth centre that offered a shower block that he’d been able to use, much to his delight. He’d also learnt that Pattie was a remarkably kind and generous woman.

She was paying him far too generously for the three days a week she’d asked him to come in and clean tables, sweep floors, wash dishes and make sandwiches. He got a hot meal during his break and she’d taken to sending him home with a bag of goodies, much to Jack’s embarrassment, although he was deeply grateful.

One final thing that Jack had learnt was that the people on the street in Baltimore didn’t seem to be as territorial as others that he’d encountered. He’d been staying in that same alley since he’d arrived; it was dry, out of the wind and out of sight, and was yet to have company.

Jack had begun to let his guard down. He wasn’t entirely convinced it was safe; being on the streets so long had definitely given him cause to be wary, but he was beginning to feel more at ease here than anywhere else. He blamed this comfort as the reason why he’d agreed to go to Alex’s this afternoon.

Jack pulled his black polo shirt off and folded it, sitting it on top of his apron. He changed in to a plain grey t-shirt and brushed down his jeans. Glancing in the mirror, he frowned, before attempting to flatten his hair a little bit.

He’d showered at the youth centre that morning and his hair, obviously overjoyed at the fact that it was clean, had refused to cooperate since. He gave up, writing it off as a losing battle.

He was glad he’d showered, despite his hair’s obvious rebellion. He knew that Alex would be immaculately dressed, probably in very expensive clothing and Jack knew he’d feel (and look) like… well, like a homeless bum next to him.

He sprayed some deodorant on before zipping up his backpack and picking up that and his guitar, which was tucked safely behind the lockers. He walked back into the diner, nearly taking out Pattie on his way.

“You headed off now, hon?” she asked.

Jack nodded. “Tha-“

“Oh, shush!” she cut him off, scolding “Stop thanking me!”

He couldn’t help but laugh. “Sorry,” he apologized, earning a stern look from the short woman. He shook his head. “I’ll see you on Saturday.”

She smiled at him and nodded. “Have a good night, hon!” she called, glancing back at him as she bustled through the kitchen doors with her arms full of plates.

Pattie had attempted, on several occasions, to ask Jack where he was staying. He’d managed to brush her off by saying “With a friend. Don’t worry, I’m fine.” Whether she believed him or not was debatable.

Once he got outside, Jack took out the piece of paper he’d written directions on and stared at it.

When he’d hung up from speaking to Alex, Jack had never been more confused in his life. Either Alex was terrible at giving directions, or Jack was terrible at understanding them. To be honest, the former seemed the most likely, because Jack was great with directions and navigating strange cities.

He’d turned to Emma (a blonde and friendly waitress) and shown her the address he had scrawled down, as well as Alex’s directions on how to get there.

“How do I get here? He gave me directions, but… I don’t know. I think he thinks I’m driving.”

Emma had taken the piece of paper and read it several times, confusion evident in her pretty features.

“With these directions, Jack, I think he thinks you’re flying!” She’d then explained (clearly) that he could catch a bus, where from and how to get there.

Some people are good at giving directions and some people are Alex Gaskarth.

Jack found the bus stop easily enough and didn’t have to wait long before one arrived. He paid the driver and piled both himself and his worldly possessions into one of the front seats.

It was only a short trip, and Jack noticed that the further they got from the diner, the bigger the houses got. Alex’s parents were definitely loaded, Jack thought as he stood outside a large, cream coloured brick house. It didn’t seem right to call it a house, Jack thought. Mansion or palace seemed more appropriate.

He took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, wondering briefly how Alex’s parents would feel about having a 17 year old homeless boy in their immaculate and expensive home.

Oh, God. It hadn’t even occurred to Jack that they might be there. Alex had mentioned something about his friends too. What had Jack gotten himself into? He was considering just turning tail and running, but the door opened before he could.

Alex grinned at him and Jack wondered if it was possible that a better looking person existed. He was wearing dark blue skinny jeans that clung to his legs perfectly and he had a dark grey hoodie on open over a black t-shirt. His hair was partly covered by a black beanie, but Jack was willing to bet his liver that even his beanie-hair would not rival the hair day Jack was having.

Fighting to clear his head, Jack managed to choke out a feeble “Hi.”

“Hey, how’s it going?” Alex replied, stepping aside and gesturing for Jack to come inside.

After wiping his feet hurriedly Jack stepped in, looking around immediately and taking in everything he saw.

The floors were polished boards, the walls were a rich burgundy colour. The furniture was all dark wood and the curtains were cream. The hallway seemed to stretch forever and Jack couldn’t count the number of doorways. Everything was obviously modern but, at the same time, it felt classic. There were no oddly shaped decorative items or bold and gaudy colour schemes.


Jack was startled from his appraisal of the décor by Alex’s voice.

“S-sorry?” he said, blushing slightly.

“Did you want something to drink?”

“Oh… no. I’m fine, thanks.”

Alex nodded. “Alright. Well, I guess we’ll go upstairs then.” He began to make his way down the impossibly long hall and up the stairs, Jack trailing awkwardly behind him, listening to Alex chat comfortably.

“I thought we could just muck around… you know, try a couple of songs together. I know you said you weren’t interested in starting a band so I didn’t invite the other guys over. I hope that’s alright?” he finished, turning around to look at Jack.

Jack just nodded, feeling out of his depth. Social situations were a mere memory for him and he realized, with concern, that he’d forgotten how to be a carefree teenager. All that was running through his head were the reasons why he shouldn’t be here.

“Hang on,” Alex said, coming to a stop outside a door “My acoustic is in my room, I’ll just grab it.” He pushed the door open and walked in, leaving Jack standing awkwardly outside.

From what he could see, the room was light, uncluttered and tidy. The colour of choice was blue. There were posters on the walls- bands, cars, some woman Jack didn't recognize. It was a very unremarkable room. Everything you’d expect in a teenage boy’s bedroom, except maybe the cleanliness.

It was everything you’d expect in a straight teenage boy’s room, Jack realized. He knew he was being stereotypical here, but he saw no obvious signs that Alex was gay and he realized that Alex’s sexuality had not once occurred to him before.

Despite his sensibilities, Jack felt his heart sink a little.

slashy stuff, my toxic valentine, shitty writing

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