My Toxic Valentine // Chapter 4

Dec 07, 2010 23:29

Alex sat in his geography class, bored out of his brain and miles away. Although he was probably going to be tested on this next week, he couldn't bring himself to focus in.

Not only was the material dry, the teacher a moron and the classroom cold, but Alex had far more important things on his mind than the lesson at hand.

He was unable to tear his mind away from the boy he’d met in the park the day before.


He was a remarkable guitar player and that’s why Alex had decided to go and say hello. Alex played guitar too, as well as singing a bit and was desperate to start a band.

When he approached him, however, he was captivated for different reasons entirely.


Alex sat down opposite Jack and held his hand out.

“I’m Alexander, by the way. But everyone calls me Alex. Alex Gaskarth.”

The tall, thin boy had scarcely gripped his hand when he shook it and dropped it almost instantly, drawing his legs into his body defensively.

“I’m Jack,” he returned, smiling weakly.

Alex grinned at him, and was pleased to see Jack crack a genuine smile as well.

“Nice to meet you.”

Jack had blushed slightly then, making Alex wonder if he was always this shy.

Casting his eyes over the boy’s frame, Alex had barely been able to contain a frown when he realized just how thin he was.

But at the same time, it was endearing. Everything about him was so striking and Alex could scarcely look away.

“You’re not from around here, are you?” he said, curiously, thinking that he definitely would’ve noticed this boy busking before.

Jack shook his head. “Just visiting.”

Alex nodded. “Where are you staying?”

“Oh, um, just at a backpacker’s in the city,” Jack replied, not making eye contact.

Alex thought for a minute. “That one near the mall?”

Jack nodded. “Yup.”

Alex had pretty well gathered that Jack wasn’t one of the usual rich kids (like himself) that kicked around the city centre on the weekends. His clothes looked pretty shabby and his guitar had certainly seen better days.

Alex couldn’t bring himself to care however, even though most of the boys in his year at school would’ve been disgusted by the sight of Alex talking to a boy like Jack.

“How long have you been playing guitar?” Alex had asked him, breaking through the silence that had settled over the last few minutes.

Jack looked up from patting Sebastian and shrugged. “Since I was a kid. I got my first guitar for Christmas one year and haven’t stopped since.”

Alex smiled. “Me too. I’ve been singing for just as long.”

Jack had looked up, interested, at that point but remained silent. In fact, unless Alex asked him a question they just sat in silence.

So Alex had kept asking questions.

When he’d asked where he was from, though, Jack got a little flustered and just replied “Out of state” before changing the subject and asking “Alex, which country shares land borders with the most other countries?”

Wait, Jack hadn’t asked that at all.

Alex snapped back from his daydreaming and focused in on his teacher, Mr. Dune, who was looking at him expectantly.

“Uh… China?” Alex guessed wildly, taking a complete stab in the dark.

“Yes!” the man beamed, enunciating the word with a clap of his fat hands “Good to see you’re paying attention, Mr. Gaskarth. Some of your classmates would do well to follow your good example.”

Alex could barely hold back a snort.

Rian, who was sitting next to him, didn’t even try to mask his disgust.

Mr. Dune turned to give him a disapproving look. “Some more than others, Mr. Dawson.”

When the teacher’s attention had been drawn elsewhere, Alex turned and smirked at Rian, who just rolled his eyes in return.

Tearing a scrap of paper from his notebook, Alex scrawled a note.

‘We should start a band.’

He passed the piece of paper to Rian who raised an eyebrow as he read it. Just as he pressed his pen to paper to reply the bell rang loudly, signaling the end of class.

Both boys jumped up as quickly as they could and practically raced out of the room.

Once in the relative freedom of the hall, Alex loosened his tie and stretched; pleased that the day had come to an end.

“I swear you’re blowing Dune and if you’re not, he wishes you were. He loves you, bro,” Rian said, shaking his head.

Alex fought his gag reflex to reply “Fuck off.” In an effort to erase the mental pictures he now had in his mind he changed the subject.

“So, band?”

Rian looked thoughtful. “With who?’

“You, me and Zack to start with,” Alex replied as they came to a stop near their lockers “Come on, we’ve wanted to do it for ages.”

“Yeah, I know. But, second guitarist, remember?” Rian said, reminding Alex of the issue they’d encountered last time they tried to get their band off the ground. They just didn’t sound right as a three piece.

Alex nodded. “Problem solved, bro,” he replied with a smirk as he threw an armful of books into his locker.

“Who?” Rian asked, frowning as his locker jammed for the fifth time that month “I swear, for the money our parents pay these dicks, they should at least be able to afford some decent lockers.”

“I’ve got someone in mind, just give me time,” Alex replied cryptically before leaning over and punching the locker in an attempt to unjam it, but only succeeding in hurting his hand.

“Ow,” he whined pathetically, bringing his hand to his mouth and sucking on the sore flesh.

“Give you time for what?” Zack chimed in, appearing out of nowhere. He pushed through the two boys and gave Rian’s locker a solid thump, which made the door unstick and come open.

“Thanks, man,” Rian said with a grin.

Zack shrugged. “It’s what I do. Time for what?” he asked Alex again.

Alex grinned. “We’re gonna start a band.”

“Awesome, well, I’m in,” Zack replied, slinging his school bag over his shoulder. “Wanna come to the gym?”

“Can’t, bro. I’m going to see a friend,” Alex replied and, for once, he wasn’t just making excuses.

Rian raised an eyebrow. “Who? Is this your guitarist?”

Alex grinned. “Might be.”

slashy stuff, my toxic valentine, shitty writing

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