Molly I felt like you needed some encouraging so i compiled this list of excellent reasons to change your eating habits.
-its fucking disgusting. i know because yes, i used to eat it.
-extremely obvious reasons...but you dont like red meat anyway so i wont get into it
-obvious reasons (see above)
-hens in factory farms are packed into a cage the size of a filing-cabinet drawer with as many as five other chickens
-At factory farms, many cages are stacked on top of each other, and feces from the top rows fall onto the chickens below. And thats disgusting. Thats mostly why I went vegan, because I read that on the PETA site and it blew my mind.
-"Hens become lame and develop osteoporosis because they are forced to remain in one spot and because they lose a great deal of calcium when they repeatedly produce egg shells."
-Some birds’ feet grow around the wire cage floors, and they starve to death because they are unable to reach their food
-At just 2 years of age, most hens are “spent” and are sent to the slaughterhouse...and their natural lifespans are 10 years
-Egg hatcheries don’t have any use for male chicks, so they are suffocated, decapitated, crushed, or GROUND UP ALIVE.
-Cows Suffer on Dairy Farms!!!
-milk is produced by cows to nourish their young...I.E. IT WAS NEVER INTENDED FOR PEOPLE TO DRINK
-"calves born on dairy farms are taken from their mothers when they are just 1 day old and fed milk replacers (including cattle blood) so that humans can have the milk instead."
-Female cows are artificially inseminated (ahem raped) at one year old
-Most spend their entire lives standing on concrete floors, crammed into massive mud get it, they are abused
-stress caused by factory-farm conditions leads to disease, lameness, and reproductive problems that make cows worthless to the dairy industry so...
-they are sent to the slaughterhouse at 4 or 5 years old even though their natural lifespans are 25 years
-cows are genetically engineered and fed growth hormones to force them to produce quantities of milk that are well beyond their natural limits
-soy milk tastes better. ok i guess thats an opinion.
-the soybean contains all the essential amino acids
-it is nearly equal to meat in protein content
-"Other rich sources of non-animal protein include legumes, nuts, seeds, yeast, and freshwater algae."
-"Most yeasts get about 50 percent of their calories from protein."
-too much protein, especially animal protein, can increase your risk of osteoporosis and kidney disease
-there is a vegan substitute for virtually any food nowadays
-yes, you will have to give up taco bell and kentucky fried chicken but trust me you wont really miss them
-you can still eat french fries and drink diet coke
all of this is factual!
source:PETA (duh) except for "why not to eat red meat" and "its not really hard" which i made up myself
if you are still uneasy about your decision, you can click here: here: here: you will read about a lot of other people who agree with me cause i definetly didnt think of this or make this shit up myself.
AND you dont have to listen to what all the skeptical people in your life have to say because everyone told me i would never be able to go vegan, never be able to quit smoking cigarettes, never be able to fucking...i dont my own person. And then I did and I am and everyone else can go suck it.
Yea...I dont want to push anything subjective like morality on you because I think you should go vegan for yourself. Because you reached that decision on your own. And not because I wrote a livejournal entry about why you should. But keep in mind: no single food choice has a farther-reaching and more profoundly positive impact on our health, the environment, and all life on Earth than choosing vegan. It says that on the back label of my chocolate chip cookie haha.