Nov 24, 2005 20:45
I HATE THIS FUCKING WEATHER!!! Its so cold. Haven't left the house today. But my boots arrived!!!! Lovely green leopard print ones. HubbaHubba!! Was very sad last night and this morn, finished reading an Inxs biography so watched an Inxs dvd today. So sad Michael Hutchence is dead, just over eight years! I remember being very upset when he died, as I spent many a teenage sulk in my bedroom listening to Inxs, and missed seeing them when they last played Aberdeen due to being a skint student. WAH!! But Hannah did enjoy dancing round to the dvd. Great taste in music already. After doing yet another mountain of washing, we spent the afternoon on the sofa with the heater on watching repeats of ER on tv. I haven't had a cigarette in over a week, and what is even better is that I am able to drink cider without smoking!! An achievement that has taken me 15 years to accomplish. The nicotine patches and gum are helping though. All I need to do is just stick with it. Feel better already, and I do not want Hannah growing up thinking that since I smoke its ok for her to. Think the ban on smoking in pubs etc will help me if I go out, and the fact that we don't smoke in the house and haven't since we moved in has also made giving up easier. Back to the weather tho, our first winter with central heating!!!! Wow!! We are spoilt!! Think vodkafrenzy would agree how cold the flat was (and anyone else who visited during winter for more than 5 minutes). This is the first time at the sign of frost that the cats haven't disappeared under the duvet till spring. The cats were 2 last fri, can't believe they're that age already. Hooky is still the same size she was at 6 months. Hannabel was 12 weeks old on Tue, that has flown past! We had a lovely visit from Mandy last night, Hannah loves her surrogate aunty. And thankfully she took the toffees away (under much duress) as they rip my already crappy teeth to bits. Hannah did have a lovely exocist stylee vomit episode at bedtime on mon, which resulted in having to wash the cover of her car seat as the smell of off milk still hadn't subsided the following morning when it had dried. It also meant she had to spend the night in her moses basket, which she hasn't done since she was 2 wks old. Usually if we put her to bed in it she cries til picked up, but the last two nights have been fine. Yay. Poor wee monkey had her second lot of immunisation injections yesterday, was very brave but now has horrid red lump on her leg thats going to take couple of weeks to subside. Have spent most of today being barfed on by Hannah after her bottle, I've changed my clothes twice and she's had four t-shirts changed, hence all the washing. Smells better than fags I suppose.