Jan 11, 2008 15:55
once again, it's been awhile since i posted. i find that when i am nowhere near a computer, i can think of all manner of interesting tidbits i could post about, but when i actually have time and am at a computer, i don't feel like writing much. so here goes.
here are some goals for 2008:
* cook more, eat out less. i tend to eat out for most meals, so my goal is to cut down on that. i am going to try to cook more at dinnertime so that i can bring leftovers to work for lunch. so far i haven't been doing great, but i did make a really good quiche the other night for dinner that has been my breakfast for the past two days. i got the recipe from a new cookbook i bought by rocco dispirito (he of the short-lived reality show bomb "the restaurant". i never watched it but apparently he came off as a real tool. the book seems pretty cool though.) the quiche was really easy and it came out so good. it had shrimp, carmelized red onions and BACON. bacon pretty much improves everything it's added to ten-fold (if not more-fold). it's made pretty decent leftovers, but it smelled up the house and everyone at work whined that it made our hallway stink, so i guess that's the end of bringing it here. i put post-its on a lot of other recipes in the book that i want to try. hopefully i'll get a little better at avoiding fast food places on my way home from work.
* be more aware of my financial situation. i know, finances are a snooze, but i think it's important that i know where my money is going. i don't even really have a budget because, well, snoooooooze. so i bought a work book about financial planning that helps you plan a budget and explains about investing and stuff. last year at work i attended a seminar at our women's conference and i was inspired to learn more about investing and what not (see, i don't even know enough to say something other than "what not"), instead of assuming my parents and/or savings will always help me out of jams. don't depend on the men, ladies! you listen to destiny's child and be an independant woman (girl, i didn't know you could get down like that).
* pick a career direction. ah yes. how long have i been hemming and hawing over that? a LONG TIME. i feel ready to make a decision though. i have been taking more design classes lately and i think that has helped. i'm also doing some freelance stuff for a friend (not much, but it's a start). so i'm going to try to do more work and decide for reals what i'm doing with myself.
well, that's it for resolutions. i am also going to try to do a triathlon this year, but it's not an "official" resolution. i'm just going to do it.
if you haven't seen the movie juno, i highly recommend it. it's so funny and sweet.
that's it. happy new year!