Mar 09, 2004 18:27
I always have such good conversations with my dad, and tonight was no exception. We talked for about three hours and that's after I saw him just yesterday. I learned about what he was doing each time he found his wife was having his baby. And we talked about religion versus spirituality, and hauling dirt, and relationships. He says he thinks Josh needs to talk to him for thirty minutes so that my dad can better understand the situation and give me (us) some good advice. He's been so supportive through all this. I've felt that I could talk to him at times when I couldn't talk to my friends. That means a lot.
He had some interesting thoughts about dating and what it should and shouldn't be. He pointed out to me that there is a big difference, or rather should be, between dating and having a relationship. Dating is about spending a little time with the opposite sex, going to see a movie, just learning and enjoying. Relationships involve giving your heart to someone and really investing in that person. Too often the two are blurred. But my dad believes that the serious stuff should happen as little as possible. So while it may be educational, if you will, to date, the less experience you have with the big serious relationships the better. I think there's a lot of pressure in our society to experience the serious relationship a few times. That it's almost necessary to have experienced a bad one to have a good one. I know I've always thought that. And I'm not saying my dad is right, but it is a refreshing perspective. There is much less pressure to go out and "experience". And while it's okay to have a "bad" one, it's certainly not necessary.
We also got on the conversation of social security and what it was and wasn't intended for and that led us to thinking about the old tradition of giving the oldest son everything. Does anyone know the source of that tradition? Is it Biblical? And if so, could someone refer me to a verse or two? Josh's dad seems like the guy to ask about it.
Hmm.. I'm having coffee with Shannon later tonight. I'm happy I get to spend some time with him because we've both been so busy lately.