Breasts. Bosoms. Titties. Melons. Orbs. Maracas. Jubes. Angel Cakes. El Primo Torpedos. Jugs. Frontal Female Water Wings. Moo Moos. Quantum Heaps. Tracts of Land. Barbettes. Milk Cans. Bazooms. Abbott and Costello. The Boston Wobbelers.
Throughout the ages Gazongas have been revered for their comforting pillow-like qualities and enticingly attractive cush. Both women and men alike have designed various methods to boost them and round them, fluff them and present them. Bazookas are wonderful things. They're inviting, soft, and often remind people of jell-o. As we all know, there's always room for jell-o.
This year 200,000 pairs of knockers will be diagnosed with cancer. 40,000 pairs will die from the disease. In an effort to save love lumps everywhere I am going to walk and raise money for the Breast Cancer 3-day. This is a walk thousands of people participate in to walk over 60 miles through the course of three days. Each person is required to raise, at minimum, $2200 to benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation whose mission is four-prong in research, education, screening and treatment. More money raised, more magnificent pontoons of love.
Please visit my personal fundraising page and donate online so Bedtime Beach Balls will be safe and healthy for everyone.