New shiny, new comm and a request

Sep 14, 2010 19:35

I've recently bought a few things, which means I'm now the proud new owner of a Bamboo Fun graphics tablet, The Sims 3 Fast Lane Stuff, and the sixteenth edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. (ETA: What's up with unordered lists on LJ?)

Art Rage 2.6 is included with the Bamboo, so I tried what people who can't draw do: I tried to trace an image of John Sheppard. I've done this before and one should think that tracing lines would be doable even for someone who can't draw, but it has always ended in disaster. This time however the result was vaguely human-shaped. More strangely than that it even kind of looked like John. Although I'm not yet sure if it was just luck and the fact that he has a pretty blank look in that shot.

John Sheppard Portrait Test

A "short" play-testing of Fast Lane stuff turned into Rockabilly John and Rodney being really bad at family planning ("There's only a ten percent chance I'll end up pregnant, John!" Rodney said and promptly got knocked up on the first try-again). I'll post about them at some point in the new community I created:
mcshep_sims (I'll properly announce it once I've finished re-posting the screenshots from the mcsheplets prompt week and made an intro post for LJ users. I've set up a feed on LJ here: mcshep_sims_dw. You can watch that on LJ or subscribe directly on DW.)

I'm in the process of going over the beta changes of my Atlantis Big Bang. I'll have to rewrite a bit and will probably add an epilogue. It was while looking up comma rules once again in this process that I landed on the page of the Chicago Manual of Style and when I saw that the new edition was out, I decided to buy it. We'll see if this will really answer all the questions I have a hard time finding answers to ;)

Now for the request: As I mentioned, I've written another rpf_big_bang this year. Since they had a very hard time finding artists for the last few fics, I volunteered to find my own artist. I can do it myself, but I was wondering if maybe someone on my flist might want to do art for the fic. *makes bambi eyes* Summary is here. (It's an AU without wives and kids, though the leprechauns are named Fergus and Flynn.) Final draft of the art is due on October 5th, so it's a bit less than three weeks.

rl, joe/david rps, big bang, sims 3

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