May to August 2015 Report

Sep 03, 2015 20:52

I can't believe it's been four months since my last report.


Back in April I was still ahead in word count, but I gradually fell behind.

I wrote 6497 words in May, 5698 in June, 1060 in July, and 12020 in August.

I'm currently 25k words behind where I should be, though I've managed to catch up a bit since mid-August where I was nearly 30k words behind.

John and baby Kat (working title) NC-17. John/Rodney. 5562 words (so far). A one-night-stand turns into more when Rodney meets John, single father of a young baby girl.

Happy Beginning PG. John/Rodney. 1817 words. First Person. Rodney POV about his feelings for John and finally making a move. (For McSheplets prompt "Beginning")

Stranded (working title NC-17. John/Rodney. 14834 words (so far). Rodney's (ex-)girlfriend leaves him stranded in a small town during their vacation. He hits it off with John, who has issues (though he wouldn't see it like that). Among other things he thinks he's straight, so it takes a while until he gets that he's falling in love with Rodney. This fic wasn't supposed to get so long. They've finally had sex, but Rodney still has to confront John about the whole thinking he's straight thing, and then there's Rodney's angst and John's denial for the rest of Rodney's stay, and then John's angst when he can't seem to forget Rodney after he leaves... (Yes, there'll be a happy end, obviously.) (For McSheplets prompt "Stranded")

Obergefell G. John/Rodney. 1416 words. Marriage Equality is law of the land in the US and Rodney pops a question. No, not a proposal, but he finally asks if John is straight.

What I think about PG-13. Joe/David. 579 words. Joe and David share a moment as they arrive for a week in a hut.

Busted PG. John/Rodney. 1539 words. Natives offer to create a bust. Rodney takes them up on the offer, though not in the way John thinks.

On the AO3 posting front, I'm still at October 2008. I'm at 317 works now, which means I've added eight stories since the last report. Seven of those were posted as my Extreme Big Bang McShep AU anthology Life-Changing Encounters. The other was Offers about John's selfish asshole ex turning up in Atlantis and messing with their lives.

I hope to continue to catch up to still be able to reach my (upgraded from the previous years' 150k) word count goal of 200k words. Interfering with that is my new-found love of boardgaming. I have ideas about my own little game, a simple card game about a relationship (you can guess who I have in mind ;), but I need to think about that more and get a better feel about game mechanics in general. (I do know that I hate dice combat *grr*)

mcshep, rl

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