April 2015 Report

May 02, 2015 12:39


I only wrote 4376 words in April. (Being too far ahead in word count makes me lazy...)

Journal of a Survivor PG-13. John/Rodney. 3k. Apocalypse fic. @LJ @AO3

Birthday Call PG. Joe/David established. 540 words. @LJ @AO3

Bar Acquaintance PG-13. John/Rodney. 884 words. Rodney is desperate to get laid and looks for a one-night in a bar.

On the AO3 posting front, I'm at October 2008. I'm at 309 works now, which means I've added eight stories since the last report. The rest were reposts of older stories.

The plan for May is to get back into writing more regularly and to find beta readers for my Extreme Big Bang stories, especially the longer ones: the teen AU, the sentinel/guide AU, and the medieval adventure.

writing, mcshep, joe/david rps

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