March 2015 Report

Apr 04, 2015 15:57


I wrote 24946 words in March.

Disqualified NC-17. John/Rodney. Finished the first draft. It's just under 30k now. This is a sentinel/guide AU, which will be part of my "Life-Changing Encounters" anthology for Extreme Big Bang. In this story, sentinels and guides are not allowed to have a romantic/sexual relationship. Unfortunately, John and Rodney already had a one-night-stand when they find themselves without their guide/sentinel, so they're not allowed to become a sentinel/guide pair. Of course stupid rules are made to be broken and changed...

Briefs With Wings PG-13. John/Rodney. 1219 words. When John retrieves a set of clothing for Rodney, who's in the infirmary, he finds sexy, but ridiculous underpants that he has to tease Rodney about.

Conference Table NC-17. John/Rodney established. 1781 words. PWP. Sex in the Atlantis conference room. @LJ @AO3

Voicing Thoughts PG. John/Rodney established. 1465 words. Sequel to "First Thought", in which John finds out he's pregnant: Rodney is worried since John voluntarily going to the infirmary can only mean the worst... @AO3

Proximity R. John/Rodney. 1804 words. Rodney realizes that he really likes being close to John.

By a Thread R. Joe/David established. 1984 words. Joe misses David, so he flies out to Toronto... @LJ @AO3

Weekend in Pacifica PG. John/Rodney. 2674 words. Rodney invites John to a weekend at the beach. It's perfect. So perfect that John wonders about Rodney's motivation, fearing that it might be goodbye before Rodney marries Keller and stays on Earth.

On the AO3 posting front, I'm still at September 2008. I'm at 301 works now, which means I've added five stories since the last report. In addition to the above mentioned, I posted The Jogger. The rest was a repost of an older story.

I also caved and for the first time backed something on Kickstarter when I saw Legendary Metal Coins for Gaming. I won't even use them for gaming. But they're so pretty and shipping is free, so I pledged for the collection to have one of each. I'm aware that kickstarted projects are a mixed bag with failures and successes. But they did deliver on their last project, so I'm hopeful.

writing, mcshep, joe/david rps

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