July/August 2012 Report

Sep 02, 2012 21:35

This is the report for July and August in which I basically abandoned my art goals /o\

July Art

So, there's no real showable drawing, manip/collage, vector art, or Blender thing. Well, I did a very basic landscape in Blender, and by "landscape" I mean sky, ground, and a tree that consists of a cone and cylinder.

I did a study of a spire of Atlantis, but it's not that great. And I also drew a little floor plan for the house that John and Rodney live in in my Atlantis Big Bang story.

One thing I'd like to share is the sketch I made for popkin16's birthday:

I also created one icon:


35. It's been so long that I honestly cannot remember what I was thinking. I might have wanted to try doing something with a texture from a CC0 texture pack I downloaded.

Luckily I was more productive in terms of fic:

July Fanfic

I wrote 17,176 words in June, which is not as good as March and April but better than all the other months this year.

Unable to run, unable to hide for mcshep_match. When I saw the prompt "close quarters", I jumped on it and was luckily fast enough to get it. I had previously done a sketch and even a base manip in case I decided to do art, but then went with writing the fic because there's less uncertainty involved with a fic. Here's the sketch. It's supposed to be John and Rodney captured in a Hive with a Wraith looking in on them.

I wrote the first chapter of a story about John as a human Phoenix (who's spirit lives on after his body dies and who can re-generate his body at will; he also likes dying a lot) and Rodney as a necrophiliac embalmer. I have no idea where this thing came from. Since I was way, way behind on my Atlantis Big Bang, I only summarized the rest of the fic. The rest shouldn't be too long, so maybe I can finish the rough draft before it all slips away.

The rest of the month I wrote on my Atlantis Big Bang.


For August, I didn't do any art at all.

However, I think writing 46,237 words still makes this a very productive month. This was nearly NaNoWriMo level and the last Novembers I did NaNoWriMo I always took two weeks off, which means a lot more free time to write.

I finished my Atlantis Big Bang story "At Your Service" on the day of the dealine. At 60k words, it's even longer than my first SGA Big Bang "Every Day in Every Way".

Then I wrote Waltz and Other Dances for the "dance" prompt on mcsheplets. I'm so far behind on challenge answers it's not even funny. Maybe I can do the current "Underwear" one as well, so that the pile of unanswered challenges doesn't keep growing.

The latter half of the month were spent writing my RPF Big Bang. The story is called "Parisian Echoes" and is an AU sequel of my first RPF Big Bang A Saturday in Paris. AU insofar as the letter at the end was never sent. Instead Joe and David lived their lives until meeting again on the set of Atlantis. Joe doesn't recognize David at first but when he does everything changes. This is basically the story that I had planned to write for the first Big Bang, except that the part where they have sex in Paris when they were young became so long that it fit the required 15k word count, so I ended it with the letter instead.

I have to do editing on the two Big Bangs. I also want to do mpregbigbang. It's only 10k word count and the rough drafts aren't due until December. I already have the story planned out in my head, but since the author sign-up is open until the end of October, I think I'll try to write this first before signing up.

I also need to think about what to do in November for NaNoWriMo. Though just writing what I can come up with (or finishing some of the WIPs) is always an option.

I do hope to get back into doing at least some art. We'll see how things go this month.

Last but not least, I posted my AU Big Bang this month:

Click on the image to go to the summary post with further links. Make sure to check out kay_greatness's wonderful art!

mcshep, icons, big bang, art

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