4 Years Later...

Mar 10, 2016 10:52

Wow... Has it really been that long since my last entry?

I sign in to LJ once in awhile just to make sure they haven't deleted my account. I'm pretty sure most of the people I've known on here have moved on to other venues such as Twitter and Facebook (Neither of which I have signed up for, as I have tried to limit my social media for time and sanity's sake).

So... what to put here? Well, I am still (and plan to always be) joyously married to Karysha, and although we still don't have kids, we are active in children's ministries at our church, and get to spend time occasionally with our young nephew. We are also blessed to be part of our church small-group. :)

About 6 months after my previous post, I got hired on as a technician/assistant at a brain-health clinic, and it has been the closest thing to a dream-job I've had! It's respectable pay, they are as nice or better than any other employer I've had, I love what I get to do, and generally feel competent doing it (Which is an important thing to me!). Karysha has also found a job that she loves and that allows her to work from home (which is an important thing to her!), so Praise the Lord!

In other news, my Dad went to be with the Lord almost a year ago, give or take a few weeks. I miss him a lot, especially when I hear a bit of music I think he would have liked. He was a musician, poet, and artist, among many other things, kind of a renaissance man.
My Mom is doing alright (at least, I *hope* so), although I am naturally concerned for her health and overall wellbeing. Fortunately she has some very good friends that she interacts with every week in her church small-group and Bible-study. I tell you, having RL brothers and sisters in Christ who you can do life with is such a blessing! And life-long family friends are great too!

Hmm... That's about all I have time to write for now. The sum of it is that God has been amazingly rich toward me in grace and mercy, beyond anything I could ever deserve, and I pray that He will do the same for whoever reads this. Amen.

P.S. Does anyone reading this ever play PlaneShift?
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