"I resent that!" also, a meme

Mar 14, 2012 18:08

I told dance_the_dance I wanted to play and she gave me Firefly, Buffy, and Angel.

Tell me you want to play and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. Then update your journal and answer the following questions:

1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?


1. I got into this fandom primarily because Joss Whedon made the show and I had watched Buffy and Angel beforehand, so I figured a sci-fi show by him wouldn't be all that bad.  This was back in 2003/2004, I believe.  I had received the DVDs for Christmas and finished them by January and by then I was obsessed with the show.

2. I'm not that heavily involved in the Firefly fandom anymore but it's a favorite sci-fi show of mine because it was the first sci-fi show I saw.  I'm thinking of re-watching the series in the future but I don't know when.  It'll be one of those spontaneous re-watches.

3. My favorite episodes are Ariel, Safe, Out of Gas, Objects in Space...just about all of them except for Heart of Gold and Trash.  But my absolute favorite is Ariel.  Jaynestown is also good.  And Serenity is my favorite movie.

4. I used to in the past, but not anymore.  Actually, I wasn't really all that heavily involved in making graphics, icons, and such.  I did make a music video, though.

5. Yes.  Firefly is amazing, as far as sci-fi shows go.  Although, at this point, it seems as if everyone had already seen the show (my history teacher even made a reference to Firefly during one class.  Seriously.  That was awesome that she managed to somehow connect the idea of reavers to the crusades).


1. My parents always watched Buffy and, for some reason, I didn't watch the show until season 6 came about, and that was only because I saw the opening credits and I saw Spike and I was all, 'Ooh, this seems like an interesting show.  Who is this Spike character?'  And then my obsession with the show grew from there.  I watched the show out of order at first because I wanted to see all the episodes that Spike was in.  And I think it also explains why season 6 is my favorite season.

2. Personally, I think I've moved on.  I like the show, but I'm not as obsessed with it as I used to be in the past.

3. My favorite episodes are Restless, Once More, With Feeling, Lie to Me, Graduation Day parts 1 and 2, any of the fun Halloween episodes, Conversations with Dead People, and Hush.  I also really like the Fray comic series.

4. Somewhat.  I used to write fanfiction.  I made some icons and wallpaper.  But I've sort of stopped doing that lately (aside from making graphics or writing some fanfic for land comm challenges).

5. Yes.  It's such a well-written and amazing show.  I introduced two friends to the show and one of them introduced her friends to the show (I introduced these same friends to Firefly).  It's a show that everyone could enjoy.


1. I got into this fandom because I was interested in Buffy.  Although, unlike Buffy, I didn't really get obsessed with Angel right away.  The first proper season I saw was season 4 (and I think that's why I like season 4 as a season because it was the first season I saw.  Same with season 6 of Buffy).  Season 1 was what really got me hooked to the show, because it had Doyle in it, and for the longest time I couldn't watch any episodes of season 1 that had Wesley in them because I saw him as Doyle's replacement, but I grew to love both Wesley and Doyle.

2. I'll stay in this fandom.  It's one of those that's always going to be my favorite because I love it so much, even if I haven't seen an episode of it in months.

3. My favorite episodes are any ones with Doyle in them :P but seriously, my favorite episodes are too many to actually list.  I love the entire season 5 arc with Illyria.  I love the arc in season 4 with the Beast.  I love season 3 and the angst in that season.  I really love You're Welcome because it's so beautiful and I love Home and Not Fade Away.  I also like A Hole in the World, Waiting in the Wings, The House Always Wins. Spin the Bottle, and all the Angelus arc episodes in season 4.

4. Somewhat.  When the muse hits I usually write fanfiction or make icons.  Overall, I think I'm more active in the Angel fandom than in the Buffy fandom, for some reason, even though, outside of land comm challenges, I rarely make any graphics or write fic related to Angel (I'm going through a creative dry spell atm).

5. Yes.  Like Buffy, Angel is such a fantastic show, and, though it's a spin-off, it's really different and on a completely separate level from Buffy, as far as the themes of the show goes.  I met this one person while studying abroad in England last year who mentioned that she had watched Buffy on the plane trip over to the UK and I asked if she had seen Angel and she said no.  Which made me sad, because, for some reason, Buffy and Angel (as shows) should both be watched.  Though I can see the reason why someone would just want to watch one or the other, but still.

It's almost spring break :D yay.  Seriously happy at the moment.  Of course, it's not helping me in getting anything related to school accomplished this week.  I've been really lazy--I just don't feel like doing anything related to school.

Which will make getting anything done--such as essays--hard to do.

Yeah, I'll really need to motivate myself to actually accomplish things related to classes this week and next week.  For example, I've got a quiz tomorrow in Russian and I need to study.  I just don't feel like doing it.

I'm still watching Whose Line and I've got some new clips to share

image Click to view

this is also pretty hilarious:

image Click to view

(skip to 2:41...if it isn't already at that point).

The last episode of Psych was really good.

(Also, maybe it's just me, but I'm annoyed with Shawn as a character when he's written by Steve Franks.  It seems as if all the latest Steve Franks written episodes has Shawn being really highly annoying.  It's like I go from finding the character really annoying to tolerating and liking him.  But, like I said, maybe it's just me.)

I've only seen The Shining once but I was able to get all the references to the film.  And the classic scene that parodied the bathroom one in The Shining made me lol because it was so fantastically parodied.

And I loved the nod to Ghostbusters, with the clothes Shawn and Gus were wearing when they first went to Lassie's condo.

Overall, I liked the episode.  I liked it better than last week's episode.  And I'm looking forward to tonight's because it has Wayne Brady in it and I've been on a WLiiA marathon and so, you know, excited.

I can't believe the current season of Being Human will almost be over 0_0 I keep on forgetting that the season only has eight episodes in it.  It doesn't seem as if it's half-way done.  Maybe it's because I'm enjoying it so much.

But, yeah, I'll be sad when the season ends.  The last episode of Top Gear season 18 aired this past Sunday (and I'm thinking of actually watching season 17, which I still haven't seen yet).  And the new Dirk Gently series is only three episodes long and the second episode of that recently aired.

While I'm a big fan of the short season format of TV shows as opposed to 22-24 episodes in a season, it sucks when all the shows I watch will be basically ending in a week or so.  I don't watch many TV shows so the few that I do enjoy watching and that I actually want to watch are special to me (for some reason, within these past two years, I've gone from watching as many shows as I could just to see if I could do it to only watching ones that I feel like watching.  Or maybe this started long before then.  Either way, I don't watch all that much TV, and when I do it's either usually on DVD or on my computer.  I haven't turned on my TV in months, and my mom just canceled the premium HBO channels because no one in the family watches shows on that).

Maybe I'll catch up on shows on DVD when all the current shows end.  Because remember that Epic Buffy Re-watch I started last year?  I haven't finished it yet.  I'm in the middle of season 2.  And I've been wanting to re-watch Firefly for some time now, and Life on Mars and Ashes to Ashes.  And I've been entertaining the idea of re-watching Battlestar Galactica, and I really want to continue watching Farscape (I finished season 1 sometime last year.  For some odd reason I'm not getting totally addicted to that show even though I like it.  As such, I'm not all that interested in watching the show super fast).

So, yes, that's probably what I'll be watching when Dirk Gently and Being Human ends.  I think I've fallen out of the Merlin fandom--I still haven't finished season 4 and I've got no interest in watching it anymore.  Which makes me sad--I used to enjoy the show.  But the pendulum will probably swing back around in the future where I'll want to watch it.  It's just at this moment I have no interest in watching it.

So, yeah, this was a really long post -_- guess I'll go study for the Russian quiz.  Or watch Whose Line.  I can procrastinate and do something productive at the same time.

tv show: general, meme: tv shows, tv show: psych, tv show: whose line, tv show: firefly, tv show: buffy the vampire slayer, tv show: angel

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