Nov 16, 2011 12:09
So this past week I re-watched Buffy season 6. I actually started with Once More, With Feeling because I had read on Whedonesque about it being ten years old on November 6 (okay, I have no other way to word this so I'm just going to go with the age thing even though it's an episode--the whole general point was that it had aired ten years ago, on November 6, though, and I wanted to watch it).
And then I thought, 'Dude, I forgot how amazing this show was. I can't just stop at Once More, With Feeling. That's too awkward. I need to re-watch the entire season.'
So I did.
Another nostalgic factor that the season has is that it was the first season of Buffy I ever watched. Mostly because of Spike, but it did introduce me to Joss Whedon and then from there to Firefly and, well, then I got my friends hooked on all three shows (Buffy, Angel, and Firefly).
Anyway, I'm finished with season 6 and I'm debating on whether or not to continue with my re-watch of season 1 (which I started in September and then had to stop because school started) or if I should just watch whatever season I feel like watching, which would probably be either season 2 or season 7. I can't decide. I'm thinking season 7. Because I also want to re-watch Angel season 5.
I also have this need to re-watch Supernatural (seasons 1 and 2). I re-watched the pilot a couple months back and forgot how amazing it was as well. Maybe I'll do that over winter break.
One thing that re-watching Buffy has done for me is that it's sort of dimmed my Red Dwarf obsession, which is a good thing, I guess? I think I just need some time away from Red Dwarf because I've been too obsessed with it so much that I was making myself annoyed with my obsession. That usually happens to me a lot. The whole 'me obsessing over something so much even I get tired of it' thing.
My NaNoWriMo story is going great so far. I've been trying to keep up the word count lately because I really slacked off earlier this month. I'm trying to aim for 70,000 words instead of 50,000 and, because of my slacking off earlier, I have to write at least 3000 words every day. Also I'm working from a semi-outline of my story. It was going to be an actual outline but I slacked off on finishing the outline so I only have partial scenes/parts of my novel that I want to write, but if I know where I'm going and if I know what I want to happen in my story then that's all good to me.
The only time I ever winged it without an outline was when a couple years back I did a Psych/Supernatural/Due South/Pushing Diasies/Dead Like Me fanfiction for NaNoWriMo, and even with that I think I was sort of knew where I wanted it to go while, at the same time, not really caring if it turned out differently because I was writing that more for fun than anything else. I've never shown it to anyone else, though and I doubt that I'll ever post it either to here or If I ever did, I would have to make some major edits to it.
School's going well. I just registered for classes for next quarter, actually. I'll be taking Russian 1B, European Studies 101A, art history (medieval sculptures--it's for my medieval Europe emphasis), and an anthropology class. I would take more but all those classes come out t0 17 units and I believe the highest number of units one can take here at UCI is 20. Still, looking forward to next quarter. The European Studies 101A will be taught by the same teacher I had two other history classes with and I think she specializes in the medieval history field.
event: nanowrimo: 2011,
school: winter 2012,
tv show: buffy the vampire slayer,
tv show: red dwarf