Dec 20, 2010 20:17
I cannot, for the life of me, hold a conversation over Facebook chat. I can't. It's just I usually sit at the desk waiting for the other person to say something interesting that I can respond to and then we chat but other than that >.< I am socially awkward. On the Internet. In real life I'm still socially awkward when in a conversation but less so.
Anyway, a friend I haven't chatted to in 3-4 years (as in had a conversation with) just randomly chatted with me over Facebook.
It was nice. It was sweet.
But gah-I'm so embarrased at the same time because we had nothing to talk about really and I can't chat over the Interent at all and...all other sorts of awkward embarrassment just really awkward and embarrassing. IMO. It just seemed awkward and embarrassing.
But it was such a nice birthday gift :) well, it wasn't a gift, but I consider it one. A birthday surprise. It was nice, random, and just sweet. I loved it.
life: friends are cool,
life: socially awkward situation,
event: birthday,
life: can't do facebook chat