There's a slight possibility that Inception has taken over my life. No, not slight, very strong. In fact, at this point, there's no doubt that it's taken over my life.
Oh my god, it's taken over my life 0_0 and I do not mind at all. I don't know how long this obsession will last (maybe until the end of this year?) but it's safe to say that I may go see the film again, just because. (And I want the DVD very badly. Just to see what extras are on it. And to watch the film again.)
I loved Covert Affairs last week. And when Annie was in the car with the bad guy (whose name escapes me at the moment, hence his nickname being 'bad guy') and he had a gun and Annie did the whole car-in-a-circle thing and pushed him out of the car I was all like, 'Yes go Annie! :D'
I liked the episode more than last week's episode and I have no idea why. Better plot? The amount of Auggie didn't really change between this week's and last week's, so that is clearly not the reason why I liked this week's episode more.
Speaking of Auggie, aww, poor Auggie :( when the lady in charge (I also forgot her name. I keep on forgetting names) told him he couldn't go out into the field.
lol Psych=awesome :D I love the zaniness of this show so much. And how far out they're willing to go and it just works because they're just so crazy and zany and funny.
My favorite WTF? crazy/zany moment in Psych, BTW, was in the Black and Tan episode and one of the models hands Gus a pillow who then hits the model with it and the model just goes flying back over the couch and that totally can't be done in any other mystery show because Psych is so zany/crazy that Gus having that strong an arm at pillow fighting just works. Plus that episode is totally awesome with Shawn and Gus playing air hockey and DDR at the beginning.
To get back to the recent episode: Shawn and Gus stalking the guy (names still escape me) and the guy calls Shawn and he's all like, 'They're stalking me. The guy from Star Trek and a white dude in a bad helmet' and Shawn sort of responds, ' your opinion'. I loved that scene.
In fact, the whole episode was just a flashback to season 1/2. I love when Shawn and Gus do crazy stuff together. (Gus wearing the glasses from Star Trek.)
and when Lassie and Jules arrived at the lawyer's house and Jules pointed out to Lassiter that he forgot something and Henry was still in the car trying to get out.
Um...this whole episode made me LOL and was made of win, overall. I'll just list out my favorite scenes instead of saying, 'This scene made me laugh! This one as well!'
-the Comic-Con remark. I loved how they fit that in there and it's been less than a week after Comic-Con. Well, it was when I wrote this entry which was last week and I've been doing that type and let LJ bring the post back up for me whenever I felt like writing which is why I'm not correcting the 'less than a week'. The episode was, this entry wasn't
-Gus being all 'beer', etc. when hanging out with the alien-obsessed guy (why do I forget names? IDK)(and now I finally found what his name was: Dennis) and whenever his wife comes into the room. It was just so random.
-they made fun of Shawn's clue face! I love that :P Gus doing the face even.
-Chief Vick: please come back. You were awesome
-but Henry is also awesome
-Shawn doing the Close Encounters theme
-the flicking of ears when one or the other mentioned aliens and/or abductions
-the whole episode
-someone coming up to Gus with a pen and paper and he signs it=lol
-Dennis, Shawn, and Gus hijacking Lassie's computer and seeing what sights he goes to (and the Psych writers linked to
this site via Twitter--it made me laugh)
-"blinded me with-"
or however that went
-'And I'm all like, 'I'd hit that'. I mean, what exactly am I hitting?'
'Most likely an attractive lady.'
'Okay, that's horrible.'
-the screams of fear when they saw the helicopter
The whole episode was awesome. I loved it.
As for White Collar, all I can say is poor Neal :(
and Mozzie wanting to be a point man and I had just seen Inception so I was reminded of Inception. Unintentionally. (And then there was the architect--White Collar, please stop reminding me of Inception.)
I like Peter and Moz getting together to talk about Neal.
The Sundance and Butch remark! Loved that.
I really truly thought that Neal had returned to a life of crime at the beginning when he was robbing the bank. Oh, and his talking to the lady at the restaurant? And he says so nonchalantly, 'Funny story about when I was arrested, they only got me for fraud' or something like that. It's like he didn't care he was sharing to someone that he was a thief. And when he said that Peter caught him twice and he said it like he was proud of it.
I still have 2 (3? or I think it's 2) episodes to watch before I'm completely caught up with White Collar.
And as for Burn Notice, I still have 6 1/2 episodes until I'm completely caught up :/
but OMG Burn Notice is still awesome and I love it (if not for the action, then for the characters).
I love when they get a text from Michael's mom and so Michael and Sam rush over there and think she's in trouble and they have the guns ready but she just wants them to tile the garage floor XD
And while I was watching the first half of episode 2 all I could think about was Inception/Burn Notice crossover. Yeah, my brain goes there now. But that would be epic if it was written.
I've only seen the first episode of Eureka season 4 (I'm majorly behind in all the shows I watch. Except Psych) and, Allison, when you said not to get involved so as to not change the future, isn't sort of reviving a dead man changing the future?
(Unless, if you think about it, if Jo, Allison, and Jack had not been transported back to the past then the guy wouldn't be dead and wouldn't need reviving but now they're a part of the past and are involved in anything that happens in the past they need to make sure the past stays the same so reviving the dead man so he's alive would sort of right the alt!Eureka but he was dead, which wouldn't have happened if Jack and co. hadn't come back. As the Doctor says, wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey. But I love time travel concepts. They're always so interesting.)
Basically, I hate when people do something that sort of contradicts what they just said. But, you know, TV is not dramatic if characters don't do that.
(And now I suddenly want a Doctor Who/Eureka crossover 0_0)
I love Jo beating up those guys and causing the explosion lol
And James Callis from BSG with an American accent. (And he looks different. I was never much a fan of Baltar's beard/hair in the later seasons of BSG.)
Fargo! Yay! And lol at the Terminator reference. I loved that. (And the music.)
"And Fargo, they caught him streaking through the camp."
"Oh, of course they did."
Fargo was referred to as the naked kid--lol. I doubt he's very much of a kid anymore.
(I've switched to using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer cause Firefox is so much cooler and I love how it's spell checking when I'm writing an LJ entry.)
The music reminds me so much of BSG. Bear McCreary is awesome.
Aww, poor Jo. And Henry married in the new world--wow. And Kevin--also wow. But Sarah the house will never change (because it's/she's awesome.)
Only 2 more episodes until I'm caught up with season 4.
I think I've been spending too much time on the Internet. That's why I'm not watching TV a lot. (I'm also reading a lot. So Internet and reading are to blame.)
I saw The Great Dictator for the first time on Saturday.
The only other film I'd seen of Chaplin's was The Gold Rush, which was awesome and funny and cute and silent. So hearing him speak in this one was kinda weird.
(It'd be like if Harpo in a Marx brothers film suddenly started speaking and you'd be all like, 'WTF I thought he never spoke!')
The film was good. We watched it following the Marx brothers' Duck Soup, which I absolutely love. We were sort of supposed to compare and contrast, but all we talked about was how World War 2 influenced the making of the film. Or something like that :/
I'm not a WW2 buff so I can't really appreciate the history behind the film but I appreciate the making of it.
(I am not a history person. As in extensive history. I'm more interested in what works were produced during a certain time period--I have Geoffrey Chaucer, Geoffrey of Monmouth, Dante, Boccaccio, Sir Arthur Malory's Le Mort de'Arthur, Cervantes, Beowulf, and Chretien de Troyes. Those people fascinate me.)
So the film was okay, Chaplin was awesome in it. There were some very funny moments that seemed silent-film-esque. Other parts were a bit random and seemed as if it was just thrown in there. I kept believing the Mussolini-type character would've been awesome if Chico Marx had portrayed him. And then I thought, 'Ooh, I wonder what it would've been like if Chaplin and the Marx brothers had been in a film together!' and now I'm kinda disappointed I don't have a Tardis to go back in time and make that happen.
I loved the ending.
Overall, the movie was deep and just wow in terms of content. (None of us could figure out why Hitler saw it twice.)
But Duck Soup owns my heart/soul. It's zany. It's crazy. It's the Marx brothers.
Next week we're doing a sci-fi category and we're putting Serenity on the list.
And all this is taking place at a friend's house. She has quite an extensive film collection and thought weekly Saturday films where people got together and discussed them after watching a film would be a good way to hang-out. And she's very knowledgeable of WW2. Like really...I think she knows just about everything regarding the subject and all I can do in a conversation regarding WW2 is attempt to follow it. She's has a Chaplin collection (and Kurosawa) and I had a Marx brothers collection and I suggested the compare/contrast between Duck Soup and The Great Dictator, mostly because I hadn't seen The Great Dictaor yet and I had to show Duck Soup and we were following up from the WW2 genre that we started with by watching Valkyrie.
TL;DR. Basically, my friends are awesome.