I used to have free time...

Oct 16, 2009 21:38

School.  Eating up my time.  And TV shows.  (Maybe I should drop some TV shows...)

HIMYM: I liked the episode.  Barney, as usual, is awesome.

:P I love Ted saying bowl over and over again.  Somehow, I can relate to the whole 'say a word 50 times and it doesn't sound like a word'.  At least to me.  Or if I think how to spell it and I find out how to spell it and I keep sounding it out to spell it, then I'm thinking afterward, 'Is that a real word?'

I'm not making any sense o_o but the episode was good.

And the Marshall singing one--I was seriously LOLing.  Well, close to LOLing.  :D poor Marshall.  He tries and tries with the gouda but no one wants it. :D the cat video--OMG.  I was so LOLing during that part.  Yeah, the episode was funny.  I love Marshall.

Castle: I love this show, Nathan Fillion rocks.

And I have the Heat Wave novel by 'Richard Castle' and I checked to see if page 105 was correct.  They're really delving into the whole promotion/book thing.  Scarily diving into it.  Line between reality and fiction?  Blurred.

NCIS: Gibbs/Mark Harmon rocks.

I love McGee :D he's changed so much since season 2? season 1?  Either way, wow, the actor's changed a lot.  I want to just find a picture of him from earlier seasons and compare it to this season.  He's so cute.

(Am I turning into a McGee fan?)(Why, yes, I think I am.)

Ziva--eh.  Don't love her a lot.  Don't know why.

I miss Jimmy Palmer.  McGee should write more books.  What happened in the episode again?

And the recent Tuesday one--Ziva episode :/ but it was a good episode.  Loved Ducky in the episode.

And Abby and McGee giving each other high fives!  :D I love them together.

NCIS: Los Angeles: finally starting to feel familiar.  I'm getting interested in the characters.  Love that girl whose name I forgot.  I like her better than Ziva, at least.  (Just remembered.  It's Kensi.)

Eric!  I need an icon.  He's by far my favorite character.  (And he looks like Anthony Rapp from Rent.)  I so need an Eric icon :) love his whistling to everyone.

Episode was good, IMO.  Liked it better than last week.

The recent Tuesday episode was sort of good.  Lots more interaction between the characters, which I loved.  Especially the whole Sam/swan/origami thing.  I wonder if Callen ate all those lollipops and Sam was just picked up the wrappers and origami-ing them.

How much do I love Eric?  I really like the character.  I need an icon.  (I know I already said that, but I really want one.  I just need to load my paintshop thing back on my computer...)

Criminal Minds:  Okay, I am starting to like Garcia.  Which is weird, since I hated her because she reminded me of Abby so much and Abby rules more.  But yeah, Garcia's not bad.  Reid: eh.  Don't like him that much.

Rossi is awesome.  Though he reminds me of the mob boss from The Simpsons.  Which is a given, considering the actor voices the character but stop reminding me of Fat Tony please.  It's troubling me.

Hotch--I want more stuff happening to him.  His dealing with the aftermath of the Foyet incident.  All other characters have had their chance to shine, but Hotch hasn't, and it's his turn, IMO.

The ending--wow, didn't see that coming.  I think I'll stick around with this season of Criminal Minds.

The recent episode: disturbed me.  Seriously.  And I don't get disturbed all that often (except around needles.  Apparently I've developed a fear of needles being poked into people or me since my second and third time of giving blood in the past.  Don't ask me how.  The first time, I was okay with it.  Second time, yes.  Third/fourth time: I looked away when they did the needle thing.  And the blood going out of my arm thing.

And I can't give blood anymore because Madonna, a nurse at my church choir, deems that I take too long to recover from giving blood.  Which, granted, yes, I do.  I've noticed it as well.  So, being the kind-hearted person/nurse that she is, says that I shouldn't give blood anymore.  And what with my having developed a fear of needles/blood coming out of arm, I'd have to say that I agree.  Wow I rambled...)

I hated Garcia--seriously, leave Morgan alone.  (And it rekindled my being annoyed by her.  IDK why.  I think it's the way the actress acts--it doesn't seem all that natural.  And she's so soft spoken too.  Annoys me...)

Anyway, disturbing episode.  I'll just leave it at there.

Supernatural: Love love love this episode!

It reminded me of season 1 and I just loved it.  I want more episodes like that.

Dean in a bar :P oh man, I really missed Supernatural when I saw that scene.  Or, you know, I forgot how much I loved it back in seasons 1 and 2 and this episode made me love it all over again.

And Paul McGillion?  Love him.  (I need a Carson icon.)  I wasn't sure if it was actually him so I rewinded back to the start of the episode just to watch the entire scene again.  It's still sort of disconcerting to hear him with an American accent versus a Scottish accent.  (Note to self: finish SGA eventually.)

Psych: This episode was good.

Okay, it was awesome.  As all Psych epsiodes are.

The scene where the guy comes back to the office with balloons and Gus tells him about the Halloween costume and he goes get changed and comes back and Gus makes a mention on how he changed quickly--lol.  For some reason.  I don't know why, but I the way he said it.

I find it disconcerting that everyone else--Lassiter and Henry--call Gus 'Guster' and Shawn calls him Gus.  I'm used to Gus more.  Not Guster.

(Is it bad I actually did think the guy was a werewolf?  Next, they should deal with a vampire.  Hell, let them crossover with Supernaturla and it'd be awesome.)

"He's  5'10'' psychic detective."
"Why does my height matter?"  LOL.  Shawn.  I love him.

Can't wait for next week's episode.  It looks awesome.

And, now having seen the previously mentioned "next week's episode" which was today's (I'm combining two weeks of shows), OMG, Psych=AMAZING.

I love Shawn.  Seriously, I do.  I love the show.  I can still remember when I first watched it and thought it was good and it was such an awesome show and it's still awesome.  It hasn't lost its awesome-ness.

Poor Gus :( worrying for his friend.  Reminds me of the bank episode when Shawn was worried for Gus.  (There are still some episodes of season 3 I haven't seen yet, BTW.  Just wanted to point that out...)

Lassiter--love him.  The sterioids comment--LOL

Which leads me to Shawn's text messages.  Wow.  I didn't get any of those.  Thought the 'binshot not lol' was pretty LOL worthy.  Anyways, wow.  He's really...short, when it comes to writing text messages.  I don't think I can abbreviate that much.  I'm just amazed Henry and Lassiter managed to figure out what they meant with the whole 'ocone' and 'yelwrflx' or something.  (Though I so totally called the peace sign thing...)(sort of...not really, I'm just lying...)

I still am sort of against the whole Juliet/Shawn thing.

Other than that, why do I have to wait until January?  (Okay, sure, one show down off my schedule...until White Collar next week which looks insanely awesome and I've already got the DVR programed to tape it.)

Dollhouse: Hmm.  This episode was significantly better than last week's.

I'm sort of on the fence about it.  If it gets cancelled, all right, it'll get cancelled, but at the same time I don't want it to get cancelled.

At this point, I'm hoping it won't get cancelled.  Victor was amazing in the episode.  And the beginning?  Whoa creepy.  Reminded me of The Inside that Tim Minear created years back and was also cancelled but it was like Criminal Minds.  (And had Adam Baldwin in it and I liked the series and it hasn't been released on DVD and I don't think it'll ever will be but it was good.)

Topher?  My love for him grows each episode.  Loved the 'man reaction' line.

I don't think of this season as seaosn 2.  I think of it as a continuation of season 1.  IDK why.  But the fact that we have a season 2 is quite overwhelming and I think it's a defense mechanism of mine so when it does get cancelled, I won't be as sad.  So I'm not calling it a season 2.  It's just a continuation of season 1.

Boyd--great to see him again.  And Paul?  Eh.  He's not growing on me still.

I liked the episode.  Can't wait for the next one.  Whatever happens to Topher looks like it'll be scary.

I still have to watch The Forgotten, The Mentalist, Bones, and finish the last episode of Supernatural.

And life--life's good so far.  School is busy.  (Didn't I already mention that?)  Calculus is driving me crazy.  All is normal.  (It rained here!  My English teacher compared it raining in Southern CA to it snowing here...which he's right.  We never get rain, so when it does rain we're all excited.  And now it's hot again :/ I hate CA weather.  It's crazy...and reminds me of a scene from a Marx brothers movie that sums up how crazy CA weather is...I think the movie is Animal Crackers.)

tv show: castle, how i met your mother, tv show: the mentalist, tv show: ncis: los angeles, tv show: ncis, tv show: supernatural, tv show: criminal minds, tv show: psych, tv show: bones, school, tv show: the forgotten, tv show: dollhouse

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