Jun 08, 2006 20:52
Okay, so all you Buffy-addicts know all about those 'Stake Your Destiny' books, right? Those Goosebumbs like books where you're Buffy and no matter how many times you think, 'WWBD', you still die in the end? All right, well, you probably don't know, but in the Stake Your Destiny book, the one titled 'Keep Me In Mind', on page 52 (I happened to come across this page because I (me being Buffy in the book) decided to go shoe shopping with Joyce...just because I felt like blowing off Angel and Giles), one scene describes (and I quote this directly from the book now):
"You whirl around to discover an older man behind you with a name badge that reads D. GREENWALT, MANAGER."
(Do not yell at me! The name was all captitalized and everything...like I said: directly from book!)
Anyway, so I'm pretty tired at this point of reading/role-playing, because, hello, finals on either Monday and Tuesday or the normal final minimum days, and I read the paragraph once and thought to myself, 'Cool.' Really. I was so tired, but obviously my mind registered the fact that Nancy Holder probably stole David Greenwalt's name for a character in the book. That just made me smile when I first saw the name.
In other news, BBC America is showing the show Hex, the, and I've read this numerous times, the British Buffy. Hopefully it's good; taping should end in about three minutes and I'm anxious to see how the shoe is, if it's British and it's been compared to Buffy.
And today at lunch, Eric, Julie, Natalie, Sarah, and I all concluded we were all insane. Don't ask why. But we are. And it was a funny conversation, because first it started out with Natalie telling us about her guidance counselor who was getting too deep into her (Naz's) personal life and it somehow ended with the fact that we're all insane. And Julie's friend's name is Heather, so next time I won't forget. And Sarah greeted me by my nickname Casey Jones, which I still go by when Sarah calls my name.
Okay...I'm tired. Good night!
Fan film--this summer--I am so trying out for Mission, Juhani, that old guy/comic relief, and any bad guy. Because fan film--first time ever we are trying this and hopefully it gets off the ground because the last one went down in flames. Like flames flames...like flames-from-a-comet-big-bowling-ball-like-flames.
Oh, and David Poole, if you are reading this random little entry of mine, we're having a Sci-Fi party the week after Foothill lets out. I'm not positive which day, but when I get notice, I'll comment in your LJ.
Also, I'm not sure if Natalie informed you already, so I'm not sure if you already know or not, but if she didn't and you don't know, now you do. So I'm taking credit for informing you if you didn't know already.
Also, at the Sci-Fi party, it will be at Sarah Murtaugh's house (like it always is, surprise) and auditions will be held if you want to try out for a character in the fan film.
EDIT: The one who called me Casey Jones and gave me that nickname is Sarah Borders, not Sarah Murtaugh. I know four Sarahs, and only three of them I actually know their last name.
And Sarah Murtaugh got into ATA! I am so happy for her, because she must be really good with the acting then (makes me want to try drama in community college now...) and she also got a 5 on her portfolio, whereas(?) I got a 3 and then in Latin class Amber and Alan and Byran and Rachel and Ben and some others were talking about how the Honors portfolios must be graded on an easier scale than what the CP English classes are graded on.
tv show: btvs,
tv show: hex,
random: fan film,
crazy random post,