Fic Index:

Feb 01, 2011 11:26

Star Trek (2009
  • 100 Things Jim Kirk Isn't Allowed To Do in Starfleet
    Gen, PG-13. A list of things Jim shouldn't be doing.
  • And mony a canty day, Jim, We've had wi' ane anither
    Kirk/Scotty, PG-13. A series of comms. Co-written with hsavinien
  • Leave the Gun. Take the Cannoli, 3500 Words
    Chekov/Sulu, PG-13. Academy: Sulu is tired of being sexiled by his underage roommate, apparent sex-god Pavel Chekov. So he enlists Jim Kirk to help him get laid. The perfect match? None other than the sewenteen-year-old sex god himself. HIJINKS.
  • If We Lived and Were Good, 40,229 Words
    Also at the AO3.
    Kirk/McCoy/Chapel, R. In a Universe where Starfleet is at war with the Independent Trader's Guild, a pirate named George Lowther has found a very specific replacement, and planned an elaborate going away "party." What he hasn't planned are the consequences.
  • Everything That's On Your Heart, 1486 Words
    Also at the AO3.
    Kirk/McCoy Chekov/Sulu, PG-13. Jim is cooking; Bones is worried.
  • Smooth as Sandpaper, Warm Just Like the Winter, 2091 Words
    Also at the AO3.
    Female!Chekov/McCoy, NC-17. In which Polina and Leonard both want something from each other, and dammit, they get it.
  • unexpected significant event, 576 Words
    Also at the AO3.
    Female!Sulu/Chekov/Kirk, PG-13. Chekov gets Hikari a little something for their anniversary.
  • Kothbiro & Filbertygibbit >500 words
    Gen, Sulu/Chekov, PG. A couple of comment fics written on a plane ride.
  • Seder, 1029 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Kirk/McCoy, G. For passover, they share a meal.
  • He Who Goes To Bed Hungry, 2600 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Gen, G. Winona makes dinner with her son.
  • This is Where I Lose Myself, 1096 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Kirk/McCoy, PG-13. The first time Jim has to write a letter home because a crewmember died, and Bones trying to comfort him.
  • What I Am To You (Is Not Real), 8678 Words ReverseBang 2011
    Also at the AO3
    After the bombs went off, humanity rebuilt, and the North American Directorate is headed by the powerful McCoy clan. Now James Kirk and Nyota Uhura have chosen to kidnap Prince Leonard McCoy to make their voices heard.
  • The Sixth Life of Lachlan Nikhil Rebane, or, Tribble the Therapy Cat's Excellent Academy Adventure, 5000 Words
    Kirk/McCoy, PG. Bones gets Jim a kitty and then they have a kitty. Academy fic.
  • A Man in Chaos, 22,400 Words BigBang 2011
    Also at the AO3
    Kirk/McCoy, NC-17. When Jim left on what he swore was a "final mission", Leonard believed him. A year later, Jim still missing in action, Leonard is sent to find him. But what he finds isn't his partner, and the real challenge will be bringing him back.
  • As If I'm Living, 7000 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Kirk/McCoy, NC-17. Jim isn't surprised when his name is called at the reaping, not when his father was a Victor and his brother has already died in the games. Hunger Games Fusion.
  • Recovery, 9100 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Pike/One, R. It's a hard road to recovery after the Narada, and Chris Pike needs a little help.

  • Vandal Mirrorverse, Female!McCoy/Kirk, NC-17.
    Also at the AO3.
    In A Vandal's Mood, 3337 Words
    Jim Kirk was conscripted in to the Fleet after evading them for many years. Kirk is terrified. He's got no money, no connections abd he's heard what happens to decent people like him in the Fleet. He ends up rooming with Leonard "Bones" McCoy, who's one of the wealthest and most feared people in the Empire. (He earned the nickname Bones after he killed his ex and scattered her bones all over town.)One night McCoy comes to Kirk with an offer. He'll protect Kirk and help him get a badass rep so that Kirk can make Captain. What does he want in exchange? Kirk in his bed. Kirk agrees.
    The Rules Are the First To Go, 5,220 Words
    "The brawl goes on and at the end, there are five warriors left. They're the Spartoi and they help Cadmus found Thebes. No woman can found her own empire, and she can't take one over single handedly, either. We have friends. We need Spartoi."
    Or, The Story Of How Pavel Chekov Joined Jim and Lenna

  • Trust: Sulu/Chekov, PG-13.
    Also at the AO3.
    Gaining Trust
    Part 1/3; Sulu used to watch Chekov get bullied. Now he needs forgiveness.
    Earning Trust
    Part 2/3; Sulu was a bully, now he needs a friend.
    Keeping Trust
    Part 3/3; Sulu was a bully, now he needs a friend.

  • Vows Chekov/Sulu, Sulu/OFC, PG-13. Sulu marries his childhood sweetheart.
    WIP; Abandoned
    Vows: "Do You Take This Woman" 1/7
    Vows: "The Holy Estate of Matrimony" 2/7
    Vows: "Love, Honor, Obey" 3/7
    Vows: "In Sickness and in Health" 4/7

Kink Meme
  • Perscriptions
    Bones/Scotty: G. McCoy prescribes Coxian remedies to the crew.
  • Just Not True
    Kirk/McCoy: PG. 5 rumors about James T Kirk that aren't true and one that totally is.
  • How the Spock Stole Christmas
    Gen: PG-13. I should not be allowed out of the house some days.
  • Simple Gifts
    Kirk/McCoy Friendship, G. 5 Gifts Kirk gave Bones
  • dear diary...
    Chekov/Sulu, PG-13. Round Robin Fic of Crackiness.
  • Firstname Basis
    Kirk/Chekov, PG-13. Chekov is trying so hard, Kirk is... Kirk
  • Jailbait!
    Sulu/Chekov, PG. 5 people who tried to bed Chekov and one who succeeded
  • 5 Times Chekov Fell Over
    McCoy/Chekov, PG. 5 times Chekov was clumsy, one time it almost killed him
  • Brave Face
    Sulu/Chekov, PG-13 for injury. When Sulu is hurt on an away mission, Chekov handles it like the BAMF he is.
  • Truth and the Enterprise
    Gen, G. 5 true rumors that no one believes, and one false one they do
  • McCoy's Psych Evals
    Gen, PG, The Enterprise is still full of loonies
  • This Once Proud Vessel Has Become a Floating Psych Ward
    Gen, PG-13. The Enterprise is full of loonies, a story in space emails.
  • Sleeptalk
    Chekov/Sulu, R. Chekov talks in his sleep.
  • Guarding Pavel
    Chekov/Sulu, PG. 5 times Chekov needed backing up, and one time he didn't
  • Busybodies
    Chekov/Sulu, Kirk/McCoy, Kirk/Spock, Scotty/Uhura, PG-13. Chekov/Sulu as the ships gossips, trying to find out who Kirk is screwing this week
  • Forget Him
    Kirk/Chekov, NC-17. Sulu is seeing someone else. Kirk makes it better the only way he knows how
  • Fuck Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
    McCoy gen, PG-13 for cussing. Brief examination of McCoy losing a patient
  • Forgiveness
    Spock/Chekov, PG-13 or so. Chekov is wracked ith guilt over the death of Spock's mother. Spoke forgives him with kisses
  • Kisses
    Chekov/Kirk, PG. Drunk Chekov wants something from his captain
  • Life, Lies and Jim Kirk
    Kirk/Spock, R. 5 things Jim Kirk learned too soon, and one he learned just in time
  • 6 Names
    Sulu/Kirk, Sulu/Chekov, R. 6 people Hikaru Sulu thought he was in love with
  • Time
    McCoy, Chekov, PG. Hurt/comfort; Chekov seems to be moping
  • Endearments
    McCoy/Chekov, PG. McCoy calls Chekov "sweetheart"
  • Ways To Love You
    McCoy/Chekov, PG. Two years in the life of an unexpected couple
    Chekov/Sulu, G. Someone thinks he's too young for love
  • Chekov's Secret
    Gen, maybe a hint of Chekov/Sulu, G, 5 things the crew never knew about Pavel Chekov and one they did, but thanks for telling.

X-Men First Class

Doctor Who (2005)

Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • Walking on My Skin Again, 2500 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Natasha/Clint/Coulson, R. Three scenes in the unlikely relationship between Natasha, Clint and Phil. MAJOR AVENGERS SPOILERS.
  • Five things the Avengers taught Steve Rogers About the World, and One Thing He Taught Them, 2600 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Steve/Tony, PG-13. Steve is new to this world, but he has some help navigating it. Then again, not all that much has changed.
  • (sleep wake hope and then), 8200 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Gen, G. Steve Rogers wants to go back to art school. But more than that, he wants to figure out what his legacy is, and what he's doing here.
  • Clinton Barton: A Chronicle, 900 Words
    Clint/Natasha, NC-17. A day in the life of Clint Barton on a day when he doesn’t have to save the world.
  • Steven Rogers and The Search For Freedom, written and illustrated by Clint Barton, age 32, 300 Words
    Gen, G. "Steve Rogers got a cat he named FREEDOM and when it got lost he made all the Avengers drop what they were doing and LOOK FOR FREEDOM so he wouldn’t make woobie faces at them." A story told in pictures and weirdness. Crack.
  • Dust In My Pockets, 7650 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Steve/Tony, NC-17. Two road trips, 25 years apart; Steve goes to remember, Tony goes to forget.
  • The Only Soldier Now is Me, 13,500 Words
    Clint/Natasha, Natasha/Winter Soldier, Hard R. She told Loki that Barton was sent to kill her, and he made a different call. That’s only part of the story. And not even the most interesting part. An examination of Natasha Romanova's journey to SHIELD and the Avengers.
  • I Want To Buy You Everything (Except Cologne) (Cause It's Poison), 4550 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Steve/Tony, NC-17. Pepper suggests that Tony try to bed Steve. He meets with some levels of success. Basically PWP.
  • The Uses Of Sorrow, 4690 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Bruce Banner Gen, PG-13. Just as he's beginning to feel like he might belong with these people, Bruce overhears Thor offer to heal Tony.
  • As Little Fuss, 3790 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Tony Stark Gen, PG-13. Or, the Five Times Tony Stark Threw Money at a Problem, and the Five Times His Team Repaid Him.
  • One Single Yesterday, 4010 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Darcy Lewis Gen, G. SHIELD tasks Darcy Lewis with educating Steve Rogers about the pop culture of the last three decades. Probably this was a bad idea.
  • The Law of Conservation of Pants, 4845 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Darcy/Clint, PG-13. Or, Five Things Darcy Lewis Thought She Knew Before She Met the Avengers (And One Thing That Will Always Be True)
    In which Darcy is put in charge of Social Media relations for the Avengers and finds that 5/6ths of them chalenge the things she thought she believed.
  • Fools Decide, 2940 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Clint/Natasha, R. Clint and Natasha are playing newlyweds in Greece while they take down a mobster. It's easier to play than Clint thought it would be, and harder to let go.
  • not words by meanings. 7395 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Tony& Rhodey Friendship, Tony/Pepper Background, PG-13. James Rhodes loves Tony Stark dearly, and he has to learn to deal with the fact that, while Tony loves him back, Tony has some new friends, and new plans, and they don't always involve Rhodey.
  • Dust and Love and Sweat, 6270 Words avengersfest for aviss
    Also at the AO3
    Clint/Natasha, NC-17. A mission goes south, leaving Natasha and Clint to reaffirm their partnership.
  • Wild Dedication, 4460 Words be-compromised Secret Santa for hermionerd
    Also at the AO3
    Clint/Natasha, PG-13. From the prompt Outsider perspective(s) (another Avenger or S.H.I.E.L.D. agent) at various points in their relationship--first meeting, early days, friendship, get together, etc. - Five people who knew exactly what Clint and Natasha were up to, and one who wished he didn't.
    One to Be Trusted, 4450 Words
    Loki & other Asgardians, Teen, After he lost the battle in Midgard, Loki was taken home in chains. And if the Aesir couldn't heal him with magic, then they would do it with time.
    Simple Together, 2056 Words
    Clint/Natasha, Teen. For the Prompt: One of the things Clint loves most about Natasha's body is how it isn't perfect.
    Made Somehow, 7140 Words
    Nick Fury, Teen. 20 years before Tony Stark was Iron Man, before Steve Rogers was found in the ice or Bruce Banner had his accident, a few men got together and built a little peacekeeping force they called SHIELD. What SHIELD stood for, exactly, was up in the air, as was everything that came next.

  • 30 Seconds of Mindless Panic, 29230 Words
    Theatre HSAU, Clint/Natasha & Steve/Tony, G - NC-17.
    Naked Pantomime in the Dark, 12430 Words
    Clint/Natasha, Steve/Tony, PG-13. Clint Barton has been at Carver High for six weeks when they draft him into the theatre department, and his life is never the same.
    Make Me Promise, 4900 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Steve/Tony, NC-17. Steve's 18th birthday comes in the summer before he and Tony leave for college. They celebrate with their first time together. PWP.
    Love You Hard And Let You Go, 8310 Words
    Also at the AO3
    Steve/Tony, R. Steve and Tony, getting together in high school, breaking up in college, and after - it's not a happy story, but it's the one they got.
    Not a Day Goes By (Not A Single Day), 3630 Words
    Clint/Natasha, G. A Coda: On the life and times of Clint and Natasha

character: winona kirk, author's note, character: nick fury, character: ofc, character: steve rogers, pairing: spock/chekov, character: darcy lewis, character: christine chapel, character: bruce banner, character: pavel chekov, threesome, character: amy pond, pairing: clint/natasha, pairing: stark/rogers, angst, character: tardis, character: raven darkholme, character: hikaru sulu, character: sif, slash, epistle, character: giotto, gen, fandom: x-men, character: loki, character: pepper potts, character: omc, character: armando munoz, pairing: kirk/mccoy/chapel, fandom: hunger games, fandom: staos, mirrorverse, het, character: leonard mccoy, character: maria hill, character: hank mccoy, big bang, character: 11th doctor, character: thor, fandom: the avengers, character: gaila, friendship, pairing: stark/potts, character: montgomery scott, character: erik lensherr, fandom: doctor who, character: natasha romanoff, character: tony stark, character: clint barton, pairing: kirk/chekov, kinkmeme, character: frigga, pairing: kirk/scott, pairing: barton/lewis, character: number one, pairing: pike/one, ust, character: peggy carter, story: if we lived and were good, character: jim kirk, story: a man in chaos, character: phil coulson, character: sean cassidy, character: chris pike, character: charles xavier, pairing: erik/raven, character: spock, genderbend, character: sam kirk, character: nyota uhura, crack, pairing: scotty/uhura, character: james rhodes, pairing: kirk/sulu, character: komack, pairing: mccoy/chekov, character: alex summers, reversebang, pairing: chekov/sulu, character death, pairing: kirk/spock, character: jonathan archer, au, pairing: kirk/chekov/sulu, pairing: kirk/mccoy

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