Aug 30, 2005 22:20
so I got in big trouble at work today. Well, sorta. (I blame Doug, Kat. Just because I can)
I spent the entire day yesterday making Xcel spreadsheets of all the democratic voters in the Queens area, since the city council member primaries are coming up next week. one after another they all started looking the same. i was also doing data entry for the canvass team getting "yesses" for Hiram Monserate, some jackass running for re-election. So, I decided to take a lil break after 5 hours, check my email, myspace, visit Strongbad. Email from mom, no new Strongbads, a myspace message from Doug telling me how hilarious "butt quenchers" are and that i really need to come to his New Haven party this weekend, yadda yadda yadda. So, I return to work to input todays new canvassing results. The spreadsheets are so repetitive, entering data for the same people over and over, so i start cutting and pasting to save time. Whew, I'm done by 9pm, turn in my stuff and hopped the last 7 express train back to Manhattan.
I come in this morning, a little late of course so, im creeping in to put my stuff down and make like I've just been in the bathroom for the last 10 minutes. Before I get there John, the canvass director, calls me over.
"You finished last nights data entry, right?" I nodded and he just ushered me in Gregs direction where he is frantically flipping through the pages i did last night.
-Did I forget to input something, Greg?
-Val, what was yesterdays date?
-Uh, the 29th? Right?
-Really? Are you sure it wasn't "Who ISN'T thirsty for butt?" day?
I lean over and see that instead of "8/29/05" listed as the dates for all 28 pages of canvass results, it's been replaced with that obvious question "Who ISN'T thirsty for butt?", the title of my myspace message to Doug. I typed the title of his reply message in the wrong email box so i cut and pasted it in the subject bar. I forgot to switch it out when cutting and pasting last nights canvass results. How could i miss that?!?! I printed all 28 pages last night and handed it to John and didnt notice it!?!?!?
So, I started doing that laughing really hard but trying to hold it in so you start crying thing, until Greg and every other employee within earshot of us started cracking up too. They had been mulling over it all morning. I got a good scolding from Bertha, the big boss, about using work computers for personal use but no real punishment. Just mortification.