movie reviews: iron man 2 could have used more jarvis; really glad to see agent coulson again, i've loved that actor since he was on the west wing. kick-ass was pretty amazing; though i wish i wasn't playing 'name that tune' for a lot of it (from the 28 days later ost, not the copyright songs). the losers suuucked; i have a fine line between wanting a good plot and not wanting a lot of talk, and this had a predictable former and way too much of the latter.
the only movie i can think of that i've seen recently that passes the bechdel test is alice in wonderland. (come on, star trek, get with the program. this franchise deals with queens, too)
music: the new deftones is a lot of noise except for one or two songs, the new dead weather i find disappointing, and the new national, high violet, is fucking amazing. i didn't like most of their older stuff but this is really good.
web articles i like:
the story of the electric light. the part that went aha! for me is where the victorian fad for terrariums came from: because the pollution from the whale oil killed the plants, so they put a bell over them.
the perfect bull. this isn't going be an article for everyone because it's quite frank about the use of animals as property and of their slaughter, but the author does, without purple prose, romanticize the working man and his cattle ranch, the way it should be. this family works hard. the military and powerpoint, 1:
afghanistan briefing. amazing. 2: i previously posted a link on general petraeus
powerpointing his subordinates to within an inch of their lives, which is 3: softened a bit in this
nytimes article where powerpoint is making the military stupid.
is portal 2 out yet? hnnnnnngh.