Mar 02, 2006 22:21
Well, I passed my intro to ed test with a 95% A, thankyou very much. It really doesn't help much that this coming week is more cramming. I have been studying little by little, and hopefully I will pass all of my midterms. I have a group presentation coming up in my ed class too, and tomorrow I meet with my group to figure out what we are going to do to get started. I really just want to have it done, and have it done well. I got a promotion at my job tonight...$00.25 raise per I'm up to $7/hr. That, and now I work every other Friday in addition to school work...I don't know how well that will work out. Keith got his new power chord for his computer, the old one went out last weekend and he's been borrowing my slow slow slow computer since then. I bet he's glad to have his fast little laptop back in working order; I'm just glad the chord didn't cost $100.00 like they told us it would at BestBuy. Some dumb kid immediately took us to the most expensive thing last weekend when we told him the type of powerchord we needed...I swear, sometimes I think they train them to do such inconsiderate things. He was all like," So, um, yeah guys this is what you need, it should work." All the while I'm thinking, you ignorant little fuck, for $100.00 it better work. Of course I didn't say that. Fortunately Keith had our friend pixiemoon order the chord from Dell. I trust them more than the teenagers they have at BestBuy. Man, I must be getting old, because I am badmouthing teenagers like I am a billion years older than them; I'm only 21 for christ's sake. Speaking of which, it is weird but I do practice Lent even though I do not really claim an official religion. But when I was at UCA living with the Lutheran and Pentecostals they got me into mentality, who knows. But this year I am giving up both chocolate and liquor for 40 days starting yesterday. My thinking is that by the time 40 days rolls around I'll be such a cheap drunk that it'll only take a bottle of TripleBlack to make me good and helpless (wink wink).
Poor Eliza, the calico, is in her first heat, and I found out that some vets are sponsoring a reduced price spaying and neutering clinic next week. So guess what...both kittens are going to get spayed for about 40 bucks a piece...HELLS YEAH! My only concern is that the lady told me they did have three animals die last year, a really old dog that had had several litters of puppies, and two cats that turned out to be pregnant at the time. I know Lydia and Eliza will be okay, I just worry is all...I don't want them to die.
Keith told me the other night that he is looking for a full time job, preferably during the day. I am in support of him 100% and then some. It'll be good for him and us, I think. At the very least it will mean a larger income and possibly insurance if he gets into any kind of management position. I'm not sure where or when he will get the job, but as long as he's happy with what he is doing then you won't hear any complaints from me ;)
I was looking at my schedule and degree plan last night and I discovered that I have either 21 or 22 classes left to take before I graduate...sigh. That means that I will be in school, for the longest about 3.5 more years, and at the least 2 to 2.5 more years. Either way it feels like it is forever; but I guess considering that i did take a semester off I am about where I should be. This is my fifth semester in college so I will end up being hopefully no more than a sixth year (haha) senior. I just don't know if Keith and I want to stay in this part of the country that long. And we have talked about having kids when I get done with school, but by then he'll be 29 and I don't want him to have to wait until he is 30 before we have kids. Oh, I don't know...maybe we'll just try sometime next year and I will have a semester of lit courses and take it semi-easy. Then when the baby does come I can keep taking some more lit and education courses and eventually get my license to teach. I can't take my PRAXIS II yet anyway until I get done with my lit I guess I'll go and talk with him about this now while it is on my mind. That, or wait for him to read this. Either way something will come of it. I'm anxious and confused is all...that and I am antsy due to midterms coming up. On another note, this weekend Pixiemoon is taking us to go to the Aquarium in Tulsa with her daughter. I can't wait...I've been craving a roadtrip and even though I'll probably be studying for my tests on the way there it will be fun to get out and do something. I'm glad the weather has warmed up a bit and before I know it it'll be time for finals and then summer vacation.