Bitch and Moan, Bitch and Moan, Repeat as Necessary

Apr 04, 2007 20:20

Okay, so I have made some discoveries about myself recently that have done nothing more than to piss me off. The first discovery is that I do not like people to infer that I am deficient at doing my job when I am doing a perfectly fine job of my job; I also do not like to be asked questions, answer said question and then be told not to be defensive! WTF, the only reason I would be defensive is after the fact that said person accused me of being defensive! Achkkkkkhhhhh! I hate my job! I hate all of the jobs I have had; hopefully, when I get my degree, teaching will be much better. Another discovery that was pointed out to me is that I "always" assume the worst from people. Well, sorry, but after being fucked over - both literally and figuratively - time and again throughout my life by people that I have loved, trusted, or been made to deal with in relation to my different jobs, I think I have the right - no, the privilege - to expect to be fucked over by people. All of this fucking over, mistreatment, and being used by various people has made me a very angry person; and yes, I realize that it is on my shoulders to change my attitude and mood, but I am angry for the time being - there is no other way around it. Most people suck, so pardon my negativity, pesimism, and cinicism, but depressing as it is, given the chance, most people will not stop to help you and would rather fuck you over for their own benefit or just for a good laugh. Moreover, I am pissed at myself for even writing this because it will probably be taken the wrong way, but this has been a very shitty day in a string of shitty days; it seems like no matter what anyone tries to do or what I try to do I end up hating myself at the end of the day. This has been the semester from hell, life sucks (for me, anyway; I have no social life and feel confined to the apartment, school, and work - I just want to get out for a decent amount of time for a change of scenery), the end.
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