Wave-Gothik-Treffen Leipzig 2011 long post alert!

Jun 15, 2011 16:33

Another WGT Leipzig been and gone: this year it seemed to pass by within an inkling. My 8th year in a row going - that makes me feel old! Graham and I arrived very late on Thursday due to missed train connection between Berlin (having flown from London Gatwick to Berlin Schonefeld airport) and Leipzig. Luckily we were still able to check in to the hotel ok, even though we were nearly an hour late. A very nice 'Leipzig lokalen' helped us when we had to redirect another route to Leipzig Hauptbahnhof, he was really sweet and even called the hotel for us on his mobile as mine and Graham's were not working! Exhausted, we arrived at the hotel and flopped into bed almost straightaway!

After a reasonable night's 'schlafen' we got up after a bit of a lie-in to get our wristbands in exchange for our tickets at the station then on a tram to the Agra to have a wander round, checking out the usual array of fabulously-attired people, look out for any of our friends and try not to spend too much money at the indoor market! Was actually very good and only bought a new studded chain belt for 5 Euros and a waspie reduced from 59 Euros to 23 Euros - bargain! Spotted Postie Chris wandering round the market 'doing the Ana Varney' again and looking brilliant :)The weather was beautiful again; (have been very fortunate most years with the weather; it has usually been warm and dry. After a couple of hours, Graham and I headed back to our hotel room for a bit, then got ready for the evening ahead firstly at the Felsenkeller to watch Merciful Nuns and The March Violets (they were fantastic!) and then the Gothic Pogo Party for afters. Good to catch up with Yvette and Jason, Brigitte & Martin, Mikael, Sarah Soden, Scary Lady Sarah & William Faith, Polina, and Mirielle and Marrtin who we'd met for the first time last Whitby. Batluder (Rasmus Berlin) was DJing at the Pogo Party so that was good, and managed to dance a fair bit until about 5am when we decided to call it a night.

Saturday, we did not manage to get up until late afternoon and went straight out to the Werk II to watch the bands - Squishy Squid, House of Dolls (missed The Cemetary Girlz who were on first - grrr!)Castrati (really liked them, reminded me a little of early Cinema Strange), Last Days of Jesus (they were excellent as usual, really lively performances), Cinema Strange (who had Monica Richards and Frank Vollman aka Frank the Baptist up on stage with them)and lastly the Damned, very old favourites of mine and Graham's. Really enjoyed them as always and the Captain was on form too. Spotted Alan there, (good to see him again as don't always see him at WGT)Yvette & Jason again, Sarah Soden, Matt the mo, Ed, Martin & Brigitte etc.After the Damned it was into the Werk II Halle D for the When We Were Young Party which is probably my favourite ever goth night. I have almost lost count of how many amazing times I've had there over the years. The music is so good, it's so easy to stay until the sun rises! Tonight was no exception, as Martin Oldgoth was DJing for the first time there, alongside DJ Bigo and the lovely DJ Yggdrasil (Alcino who runs the Graveyard Sessions in Lisbon, Portugal where I was fortunate enough to guest DJ 3 years ago)Some great tunes were played by all DJs and Graham & I also caught up with our friends Nadia, Chris, Consuelo, Madlyn, Brigitte and Rickbats which was also really nice :)
Left at the very end (gone 7am I think), and got the tram back to the station with some of the others.

Sunday was spent mostly in bed until Graham and I got up to go to the Agra to see Killing Joke (unfortunately missed Nosferatu and seeing Katy and Louis. However, we also managed to fit in going to the Mediaeval Village as it was such a sunny day. There's something very calming and 'getting down with nature' about being there. Chilled out on the grass there listening to the bands in the background and sampled a Kirschebier. Did not see many people we knew there despite the crowded environment but was good to run into Alex and his new girlfriend who seems lovely and catch up with them :) Had some yummy pasta in cheese sauce then watched Killing Joke, who were great as usual. Set off to the Centraltheatre (formerly the Schauspielhaus?) afterwards to try and catch Monica Richards/Infrawarrior in time but unfortunately Graham & I got on the wrong tram and ended up miles away from the venue! Viv and Nadia advised me her performance was incredible..thanks guys! ;p
Went to the Werk II eventually and sat in the little pub next to the venue for a while; it's nice in there; good food and beer and sitting down was needed! Had a drink and chat again with Alex and his girlfriend before heading into the Halle D for the When We Were Young Party again. As before, a fantastic night - danced a lot, chatted to various people including Madlyn again, Andy from Sheffield who I've not seen in ages, and Sarah (Soden).

However, think I really overdid it on the Sunday somehow, as unfortunately Monday the last day, I was too ill to move from the hotel room as was very sick and headachey, so ended up missing all the bands (ironically there 3 on at more or less the same time at different venues I'd wanted to see - Mediaeval Baebes, Mephisto Waltz and The Other)plus also missed attending the When We Were Young Party where Graham & I were going to be meeting up with Simon and Viv and looking forward to seeing William Faith & Scary Lady Sarah spinning the tunes. Was a little gutted about that, but still had 3 brilliant days and nights out so can't complain too much. Yesterday's travelling back was hard work as was so tired from lack of sleep and feeling so ill. Got back late last night and spending today mainly in bed, unpacking, and uploading photos from the festival!
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