Things to be happy about

Apr 22, 2004 08:55

* The weather is still fabulous.

* THe house is clean

* The baby is healthy

* My sister is moving out here.

* We are looking at houses for Shelli and Pat tomorrow night

* Most of my friends seem to be healthy and happy lately

* Hopefully going to see the Knight's this weekend. It's been forever.

* I believe fresh episodes of Friends start tonight. :)

* An almost free weekend.

* Scott telling his parents the same things that I wanted to tell them but bit my tongue.

* July seems to be getting a bit closer. (My parents will be here and hopefully my sister will be living here by then. Also, all the damn cicada's will be gone.)

SO nwo on to other things. I am not lookign forward to these damn bugs. I hate bugs. I am sooooo not a bug person. There are very few bugs in monterey, and definitly not icky large bugs that are all over the place, make a ton of noise, and then die and leave carcasses all over the place. And the noise, I hate the sound of regular cicada's, much less a few million of them.
In Marina (The town I actually grew up in) we had tree frogs. Cute tiny little tree frogs. THat in the spring you realized just how many there were because they started with their mating call. Now I miss it, back then it used to drive me insane. Middle of the ngiht and all you would hear would be millions of little frogs calling for sex. I thought they were bad, I'm pretty sure these cicada's are going to drive me absolutly insane. I used to say that some night, in the middle of the night, I would be found in someone's backyard surrounded by frog bodies yelling, "SHUT UP LITTLE FROGGY< SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!".
Tomorrow night we are going out and looking at houses for Shelli and Pat with our realtor. :) Yay. I am borowing Denise's digital camera so we can take pics and email them to Shelli and Pat. :) I am just so excited about this. I am going to call Little Wizards and see if they have any openings for Myriam. Yay. :) I am so looking forward to family bar-g-q's. (Family bar-b-q's also include peeps like the yaya's and such. I consider family to be much more than blood. As evidenced by my sister who is not actually blood related to me.)
Anyway I'm rambling and I have work to do. I just had to bitch about the damn bugs.
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