High Fidelity

Jul 31, 2007 16:21

When I got promoted I was tossed into the most boring job ever. They day went by slow and 90% of the time I spent cartooning in my new little cubical. *Note* My job has nothing to do with cartooning. Anyway.. I was reading the paper one day on break and someone from another department walked in with this rectangular Hot Pink thing attached to her shirt. I asked her what it was. She told me that it was an I-pod Shuffle.

Two weeks later I sported my very own rectangular green thing, to cure the boredom at work. Since then.. I’ve delved into a whole new world. And met several other I-podders =P Anyway.. it’s addicting. I’m always updating the list and renewing songs etc. But the main reason I’m writing this is because it keeps embarrassing me. I like to sing… Not many really know that. At work I obviously hold back this urge. Not too long ago though I was listening to System of the down and well I don’t even know what song was playing and I just sang out a verse. Damn it. And this morning I danced down the hall.

I gotta say though having music in my ear all day keeps me cheery and friendly which usually isn’t my demeanor around others. So I guess it all works out.
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